Daisy Ridley

Age: 25
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lbs
Bust: 32A
Hometown: Westminster, United Kingdom

Record: 2 - 3
Wins: Daisy Ridley (76%) defeats Victoria Justice (24%)
Daisy Ridley (54%) defeats Kristen Bell (46%)
Losses: Rachel McAdams (53%) defeats Daisy Ridley (47%)
Sarah Chalke (60%) defeats Daisy Ridley (40%)
Emilia Clarke (51%) defeats Daisy Ridley (49%)

Rivals: N/A

Daisy Ridley vs. Victoria Justice
"There are beat-downs and one-sided victories, and then there's what Daisy Ridley did to Victoria Justice. Daisy was a star, she was extremely fit and everything needed to be a superstar in the CFW, but she was a very disappointing 0-2 at this point in her CFW career.

She was thrown a bone, or Victoria Justice was again thrown to the wolves for the general public's enjoyment. Whatever the case, Ridley finally managed to live up to her high expectations and the already out-of-reach bar for Victoria to compete was raised up yet another level.

Even with her woeful 0-2 record, the odds-makers still had Ridley has the heavy favorite and it took no time at all to prove them absolutely right. An initial punch to Justice's soft stomach dropped her to her knees, the perfect height for Daisy to drive her knee hard into Victoria's chin, knocking her senselessly down onto her back in a groaning daze.

Daisy could have effortlessly covered her right then for an easy three-count, but she had something to prove. Instead, grabbed onto Justice's brown hair and yanked her up onto wobbly knees. Bending down, the Brit reached one arm up underneath Vic's thighs and twisted her up around her shoulders before slamming the younger brunette back-first down onto her outstretched knee.

Ridley smiled wickedly at the anguished howl that was ripped from her inferior opponent's lips, and she just added to it when she pushed down on Victoria's chin with one hand and her thigh with the other. Already beaten, Justice began to wail and sob in agony as she begged Daisy to stop; at the same time Vic began to shout her submission while tapping the Brit's back in another sign of submission.

After enjoying the feeling and sound of her opponent submitting for far too long, Daisy finally relented. But keeping her fingers gripped around Justice's throat, the Brit showed her strength and hoisted the squirming Vic up into the air and off of her feet. After slowly turning to face each section of the audience, Ridley stood up on her tiptoes and then slammed Victoria Justice down onto the canvas with such force that the American's body bounced up twice before finally falling still.

Rising up to meet the crowd's raucous cheers, Daisy placed her foot forcefully onto Justice's heaving, sweaty and unconscious belly with her arms raised high in triumph."

- Submission by Goro

Daisy Ridley vs. Kristen Bell
"The fight has advanced to the final stage at this point. Both fighters have endured a lot and their strengths are starting to flow away. Kristen is slightly wobbling on her feet, while Daisy seems to be having more stamina left. Her younger body seems to be recovering faster than Kristen’s older body. The crowd has been cheering both on and it’s still unclear who is going to come out on top. One solid hit from either of them can knock out the other.

Daisy begins to dance around Kristen, who is having trouble to keep up with the younger actress. Kristen sends out a few jabs towards Daisy, but she misses her opponent horribly and Daisy can see that Kristen has gotten tired. She knows that she has to strike now and take down the older actress. 

“Come on Kristen! Is that all you got?” Ridley tries to taunt her opponent hoping that she will become even more reckless.

Bell can’t believe how cocky the younger actress is. “Shut up cunt!”

It seems that Daisy’s tactic is starting to work, because Kristen comes at her with a jab and cross, but Ridley has no trouble dodging them and hooks Bell’s breasts from below. The blonde lets out an agonizing scream and tries to retaliate, but again her attacks end up hitting just air. Daisy can’t help but chuckle each time Bell misses her. It’s really starting to irritate the older actress that this rookie is mocking her. Kristen throws any form of strategy out the window. She goes after Ridley with everything she has left throwing punch after punch at the brunette. 

Daisy didn’t expect the frenzy from Kristen and suddenly has to defend her face. Fist after fist is hitting her arms, but none of them get passed her defense and her head remains untouched. The blonde’s assault begins to weaken and Bell’s punches become uncoordinated and start to miss their mark completely. Daisy jumps back the moment she can and lets out a sigh. She watches Kristen swing her arms in the air and her punches aren’t even coming close. 

“Looks like someone ran out of stamina.” Daisy once again mocks her opponent.

Now the younger actress moves in for the kill. She pushes Kristen against the ropes with a front kick and goes toe to toe with the blonde. Bell is still trying to hit her, but her punches mostly miss her or pack no punch. Daisy hammers her fists against Kristen’s chest flattening her breasts. The blonde does her best to ignore the pain, but Daisy is pummeling her hard and she is now hanging in the ropes. Ridley uses Bell as a punching bag and the blonde is unable to defend herself any longer or able to counter Daisy’s punches. 

Ridley wraps her arms around Bell’s head and pushes her head down while sending her knee up. Daisy’s knee smashes into Kristen’s face and Bell’s lights go out. The moment the brunette releases the blonde, Kristen goes down to the canvas like a sack of potatoes. Ridley knows that her opponent is down and out, but still she decides to kick Bell in her face shattering her nose. Daisy is quickly announced the winner of the fight, before she destroys the blonde who is out cold".

- Submission by Vitezislav

Emilia Clarke vs. Daisy Ridley
"Emilia gave a nasty shit eating grin as she applied more pressure on Daisy's head against the ropes in an illegal rope choke. Daisy for her part, sputtered and desperately  attempted to pull at the ropes to help relieve the pressure but it was to no avail. Indeed after a few seconds, Emilia gave a mocking yawn of boredom at Daisy's efforts, as the ref soon attempted to intervene. "Emilia," said the ref, "No choking against the ropes! 1...2...3....4..."

At which Emilia, in her gold wrestling attire, finally let go of her opponent, leaving Daisy, in her blue wrestling attire, coughing and sputtering on the floor, feigning innocence as the crowd, continued to boo her. Grabbing Daisy by the hair, Emilia lifted her larger opponent to her feet and dragged her to the turnbuckle before slamming Daisy's head against it, causing Daisy to slump, face first,  against the top turnbuckle. Emilia for her part, simply back up slightly and drank in the "adoration" of the crowd, seeming to enjoy the  boos and jeers that she was receiving from the crowd that had once been on her side. Giving a contemptuous humph, Emilia simply retorted to the crowd.

"Uhhh.... when will the crowd learn? Only jobbers and losers play fair! And I'm not a jobber!" At which Emilia walked up to Daisy and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up to face her saying. "Dont you agree Daisy?"

Daisy could only mewl in response and attempt to break free of Emilia's hold of her hair, but Emilia simply responded by applying the same crotch claw that had made Daisy  her pet the later half of the match. Daisy gave a cry of pain, as her knees wobbled in response, yet Emilia kept her on her feet. Daisy, attempted to push Emilia's hands off her womanhood but it was to no avail.

Finally after a minute or two of this torture, Daisy finally gave up trying to pry Emilia's hands and instead opted to elbow her in the face. It was a act of defiance, an act to hallmark how she nearly beaten Emilia so many times tonight and how much she despised the woman. Unfortunately for her however, Emilia had expected this move and blocked it, though to Daisy relief, she had let go of her womanhood in the process. This relief was short-lived as Emilia responded to Daisy's defiance by slamming her head against the turnbuckle,  once, twice, then three times, causing Daisy to crumple to the floor on her knees. Grabbing Daisy by the hair again, Emilia lifted her up to her feet, and molded Daisy's face
to look her in the eye saying.

"Nice try loser, but I think its time for you to take your rightful place!" At which Emilia gave a sloppy and forced kiss on Daisy's lips before throwing her into a harsh headlock. As Daisy mewled and try to pry Emilia off, Emilia gave one more standing ovation to the crowd before running up the turnbuckle and jumping in the air, bringing Daisy's face down onto the ring  floor hard in a turnbuckle bulldog. Daisy's body jolted as the lights were completely knocked out as Emilia beamed at her handiwork. Walking on all fours, Emilia crawled to the slumbering Daisy and daintily lifted Daisy's hand, looking at the booing crowd innocently as she let it flop to the floor. Giving a satisfied chuckle, Emilia got to her knees and repositioned her into what Emilia called "The Queen's Lock" where Daisy was curled and locked up into a ball, with her bum protruding in the air. Taking a seat on it, as though it was her own throne, Emilia lazily looked at her nails as the three count was given....

"1...2...3!!!" At which the bell rang and Emilia raised her hands in victory, as the crowd jeered and booed even more. Undeterred, Emilia got more conformable on her throne and before asking for a mike, which was given to her by a referee. Dusting the mike off, Emilia brought to her lips saying.

"And let that be a lesson for all. As the Queen of Dragons, I will no longer show any mercy, I will take what is mine! And for those who oppose me, like that whore Natalie Dormer!" At which Emilia initiated a few spanks on Daisy to get her to move fruitlessly. "This will be your fate! You've been warned!" At which Emilia threw away the mike and continued to sit on her new found throne, the first of many in her mind, before saying.

"Long Live the Queen!""

- Submission by AKMaster


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