Stacy Keibler

Age: 38
Height: 5'11
Weight: 130 lbs
Bust: 32C
Hometown: Rosedale, Maryland

Record: 3 - 4
Wins: Stacy Keibler (64%) defeats Kendall Jenner (36%)
Stacy Keibler (66%) defeats Marisa Miller (34%)
Stacy Keibler (70%) defeats Kendall Jenner (30%)
Losses: Kaley Cuoco (51%) defeats Stacy Keibler (49%)
Maria Kanellis (51%) defeats Stacy Keibler (49%)
Karlie Kloss (53%) defeats Stacy Keibler (47%)
Trish Stratus (65%) defeats Stacy Keibler (35%)

Rivals: Maria Kanellis (0 - 1)
Maria Kanellis (51%) defeats Stacy Keibler (49%)

Trish Stratus (0 - 1)
Trish Stratus (65%) defeats Stacy Keibler (35%)

Tag Record: 1 - 1
Wins: Bowden/Keibler (64%) defeats Knightley/Portman (36%)
Losses: Katic/Quinn (54%) defeats Bowden/Keibler (46%)

Stacy Keibler vs. Kaley Cuoco
"The margin between these two blondes had been razor thin all night before Stacy's comfortability in the ring started to take over; using her neverending reach to sling Kaley toward the far ropes. The ever-confident, buoyant blonde danced across the ring like a weightless ballerina as a struggling Kaley helplessly sprung off the ropes, trampolining across the ring toward a rapidly approaching Keibler. As athletic as anyone to grace the CWF, Stacy wound up for her signature Spinning Heel Kick; taking her eyes off the target for just a split second as she pirouette.

For the first time all night, Kaley was thankful to be only 5'6; alertly dipping underneath Stacy's roundhouse kick and rebounding once again off the opposite ropes at Stacy's back. Kaley picked up speed off the ropes and lunged into Stacy as she recklessly wheeled back around, whipping the bony joint of her elbow into the blonde's agape jaw.

Time seemed to stop as a sickening crack of flesh erupted from the center of the ring; Stacy's lithe frame going completely stiff before lifelessly tumbling to the mat like a felled redwood. The unconscious blonde's limbs splattered as she crumpled to the canvas, violently twitching as she slid spread eagle on her back. The entire arena could hardly believe what they just saw as Kaley towered over Keibler, panting and planting a smooch on her own forearm, the weapon of destruction. With an elated grin she stepped up to the lifeless body of her fellow blonde and planted a victorious heel on her rising bosom, calling for a token 3-count from the official".

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Maria Kanellis vs. Stacy Keibler
"Two of the most technically proficient wrestlers in the CWF had put on a breathtaking display of wrestling prowess, exchanging some of the most stunning and elegant strikes and slams this ravenous crowd had ever seen. This was exactly why these two former Divas were brought on despite their "jobber" status, and they were proving their worth tenfold.

The longer, leaner Keibler had done just about everything she could dream up to shed her "jobber" label except for scoring a final pin, but now that she'd locked a floundering Maria in her signature Corner Leg Choke, victory seemed like a foregone conclusion. Maria helplessly gagged as Stacy craned one of her never-ending stems into the redhead's throat, gargling and sputtering drool down her chin as Keibler expertly crushed her windpipe with one of her boots.

Maria's bulging eyes began to flutter into the back of her skull as her body was pinned and physically lifted off the canvas, her tippy toes bicycling in an attempt to find footing with little sustained success. Fading dangerously quickly, Maria swung for the fences, tossing both her arms around Stacy's shin and clamping onto the blonde's ankle with everything she had left in the tank. Like a pogo stick, Maria trampolined off the canvas with the balls of her feet and slung both of her legs around Stacy's extended thigh. With a Flying Ankle Lock that even Ronda Rousey would be proud of, Maria snagged Stacy's heel and tucked it against her bosom, wrenching the joint to the breaking point before things had even clicked with Keibler.

The two hit the ground indecipherably entangled, with only the blonde's shrill cries and frenzied tapping providing a clue to what the hell had just happened. Stacy was nearly in tears before she hit the ground, submitting to the Ankle Lock before the pain even registered in her brain, simply tapping based on the overwhelming fear of serious injury. Flat on her back, Maria released the hold and thrust both of her palms victoriously in the air, snatching one of the most improbable victories from the jaws of sure defeat".

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Stacy Keibler vs. Karlie Kloss
"The opening fight pits two of the leggiest women in the CWF against each other. Both women, their records 0-2, are in dire need of a win. Stacy, to her credit, has lost against viable competitors in Kaley Cuoco and Maria Kanellis. Karlie, on the other hand, has been utterly decimated by back-to-back defeats at the hands of Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston. While both women have something to prove, critics say Kloss, if she were to lose again, is on a path straight to the bottom of the undercard.

Keibler, demonstrating her devious prowess, begins the match by attacking Karlie as the former model enters through the ropes. Stacy grabs a handful of Kloss' hair, jerking her into the ring, and, keeping a hold of her hair, repeatedly slams the model's face into the canvas. In an effort to gain some sense of order, the Time Keeper rings the bell, signaling the beginning of the fight.

Stacy, with the early advantage, uses a variety of dastardly, underhanded attacks -- including, but not limited to, hair-pulling, choking with the ring ropes and blatant low blows -- on her lanky opponent. The referee, in an exasperated fit, forcibly separates Stacy from yet another choke, allowing Karlie to gasp for air. Stacy, scoffing in annoyance, pushes past the ring official and grabs onto Karlie's neon green sports bra, ripping it off. The former Victoria's Secret Angel huffs and rises to her feet, her eyes narrowing. Kloss didn't look distressed, nor did she attempt to cover her breasts. She had been stripped in her previous matches and obviously learned from her previous bouts to not let her opponent get into her head, no matter what.

While Stacy arrogantly twirls the discarded top above her head, Kloss stalks behind her prey. Stacy turns back around and belts out a surprised yelp as Karlie grabs her wrist and tosses her into the ropes. Stacy rebounds toward Karlie's outstretched arm. But, being the veteran she is, Keibler ducks underneath the clothesline attempt, pivots on her heel, rotates around, and cracks Kloss with a Spinning Heel Kick! Karlie drops like a sack of potatoes, collapsing on her back.

The maneuver was so quick, so unexpected, no one was focused on Karlie's arms, which, at the last possible second, rose up to protect her temple from Stacy's boot. Kloss, according to everyone in attendance, was finished. Stacy's lips curl in a sly grin as she steps over Kloss' body, facing her feet, and bends at the waist, sticking her plump booty out. The dastardly blonde wiggles her hips, causing the fabric of her short, black, lycra shorts to rise up, allowing her sun-kissed, treasured ass cheeks to flirtatiously peek out. Stacy's smug face lights up as the rabid fans shower her with an affectionate chorus of wolf whistles. With a sensual slowness, Stacy scoops Karlie's hips up, grabs the waistband of her black leggings and pulls them up and off the model's mile-long legs. Kloss doesn't even flinch as Stacy drapes the leggings over the top rope. Karlie's firm, pert body is now only covered by a lacey, barely-there, neon green thong.

Stacy kneels down, grabs Kloss by the chin and, roughly shaking Karlie's slack head, sneers down at her, "Well, well, looks like little miss model can't handle the heat," Stacy rises to her feet and, once again facing Kloss' feet, places a boot on either side of Karlie's abdomen. The devious blonde jezebel bends down, once again wiggling her hips before scooping up her foe's never-ending legs, and hooks the long stems under her arms in an arrogantly lazy, albeit provocative, pin attempt. The referee slaps the canvas once, causing Stacy's arrogant grin to widen, but before his hand can make contact with the mat a second time, Kloss springs to life! The former model wraps her long legs around Stacy's torso, effectively hooking her foe, and rolls forward.

Keibler flips over and, before she can even process what happened, is greeted with a face-full of Karlie's thong-clad tush. Kloss hastily snatches her foe's erratically flailing gams and leans back. Stacy's nose splits Karlie's cheeks, plummeting inside her crack. With her legs -- her best weapons -- secured, Stacy can only pathetically slap her palms on the canvas as the referee performs an emphatic 3-count. Karlie releases Keibler's legs and raises her arms, soaking up her first victory.

Kloss beams, relishing in the moment. The sound of the crowd showering her with raucous cheers mixed with the vibrating sensation of Stacy's screaming mouth causes a sensual tingle to run down the model's spine. Karlie gets lost in the moment and, paying no heed to the thousands in attendance, closes her eyes and begins rocking her hips. Stacy's hazel eyes bug out as Karlie lifts up and, keeping Stacy pinned, spins around to face her rival. Kloss forbodingly presses the fork of her crotch against Stacy's chin before sliding forward. Grabbing two handfuls of disheveled blonde hair, Karlie guides the tip of her rival's nose onto her slit. Keibler's nostrils immediately fill with the odor of her foe's excitement. Karlie, maintaining her grip on Stacy's hair, begins pumping her hips. Kloss' low grunts confirm Keibler's worst fear: having a woman ride her face. And this wasn't any woman, this was loser extraordinaire, Karlie Kloss. The long-legged model, whom Stacy referred to as a knockoff version of herself, was scrubbing her filthy vagina all over her adorable face.

Stacy squirms and cries out. The only thing separating Stacy's face from Karlie's pussy was a dainty thong and, to Stacy's dismay, the separation was paper-thin. The frilly undergarment didn't blunt neither the smell nor the taste of the excited Victoria's Secret Angel. Karlie's breathing grows as erratic as her thrusts and, to make matters worse, her haphazard thrusts allow Stacy to gulp in oxygen, keeping her awake and fully aware of her predicament. Karlie slows her thrusts, opting to vigorously grind down on her opponent's nose and mouth instead. Kloss suddenly arches her spine, her head tilts back and she gushes, spreading her nectar all over her rival's mortified, shrieking face.

After several seconds, Karlie lifts off of her conquered victim and sasha's up the ramp. Stacy, for her part, screams and cries. She rolls onto her side, dry heaving from the taste. The deviously, conniving blonde sits in the middle of the ring, her pouting, low lip trembling, tears streaking her mascara down her cheeks. The crowd breaks out into hysterical laughter as the leggy blonde slams her palms on the mat and stomps her boots on the canvas, throwing a complete and utter temper tantrum".

- Submission by jdo90

Kendall Jenner vs. Stacy Keibler
"As mind-twisting as it may sound, a savy bettor might have seen more promise in Stacy Keibler's recent results than Jenner's, despite their vastly differing records. Kendall's near-even record had proven to be all puff, and from the opening bell Stacy seemed hell-bent on exposing that very fact. The former WWE Diva jobber was anything but in the CWF, and any doubters she might have had prior to this fight were absolutely silenced by her dismantling of a promising young filly like Jenner. Hold after crippling hold stretched and abused the sinewy brunette, leaving her little more than a puddle of twitching limbs when Keibler ultimately decided to turn out the lights and end her impressive show with an artful, stunning Spinning Heel Kick".

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Stacy Keibler vs. Marisa Miller (Oil Wrestling Match)
"Stacy was no stranger to specialty matches. During her tenure with the WWE, Stacy participated in a myriad of so-called "gimmick matches". The leggy blonde has wrestled in a variety of slippery substances, ranging from mud to gravy, so an oil wrestling match wasn't uncharted waters for Miss Keibler. Wrestling in oil was, however, new territory for Marissa Miller. It was obvious, from the beginning of the fight, that Miller was out of her element.

Marissa just couldn't seem to keep her footing on the slippery, oil-soaked canvas of the ring and, with her bikini-clad body doused with even more oil, the busty blonde lost even more traction. Marissa, not wanting to show her trepidation, trudged forward. Despite her headstrong determination, Miller's feet clumsily slipped and slid across the canvas until her legs inevitably flew out from under her, sending her crashing hard on her bikini-clad backside.

Stacy, her obvious advantage not withstanding, still used underhanded villainous tactics to conquer her prey. The leggy blonde cackled with wicked glee as she scooped up a handful of oil and splashed it in Miller's eyes, temporarily blinding the tan bombshell. This nefarious act went unseen from the ring official, whom had his hands full with Katrina Bowden, Stacy's teammate. Bowden had leapt on the apron and began shouting at the referee, effectively distracting him, allowing Keibler to gain an even higher advantage over her opponent.

Marissa incoherently mewled as she attempted to wipe oil out of her eyes. Her cries transitioned into shrill cries as Stacy skillfully stripped off her rival's bikini top and bottoms, unveiling the buxom blonde's tanned, oil-slicked tits and firm ass to the appreciative audience. Marissa, with one arm hugging her breasts, the other sliding over her shaven mound, leaves her head unprotected. Stacy capitalizes, pivoting on her heel and twirling on the oily canvas. Keibler uses the slick mat to her advantage and gains even more momentum on her spin, adding even more damage as she clocks Marissa's temple with her patented spinning heel kick. Marissa is laid out on the mat, her limbs twitching, her glistening breasts heaving and her eyelids incoherently blinking. Hooking one of Millers tan legs, Keibler leans back on her opponent's nude body, spreading Marissa's legs for the clamoring fans for a humiliating 3-count pin".

- Submission by jdo90

Keira Knightley/Natalie Portman vs. Katrina Bowden/Stacy Keibler
"A disheveled and dejected Keira Knightley hoarsely wailed into the canvas as she lulled to her rapidly panting belly; her long, wiry stems thumping the mat in agony as the pair of domineering blondes towered ominously over her, only she didn't have their attention at the moment. Keira's slender frame awkwardly twisted and writhed in crippling pain; sweat, drool and mascara streaking across the stainless canvas as her contorted features painted the mat. Her cheeky, upturned derrière jiggled as Stacy Keibler became irate above her, tamping her heel against the canvas while throwing a tantrum.

"That bitch jumped in the ring first! She deserved what she got!" Keibler incredulously shouted at the bewildered official, motioning to a now unconscious Natalie Portman twitching just outside the ring apron on the concrete below. With Keira seconds away from falling victim to a spine-melting Camel Clutch submission, Portman had slipped into the ring to save her partner, only Stacy had just been biding her time on the sidelines to bend the rules if given the opportunity. With lightning-like reflexes, Stacy followed Natalie into the ring and intercepted the brunette before she could interfere and save Keira, detonating a paralyzing Big Boot against Portman's chin and sending her spilling out of the ring altogether, unconscious before she even hit the ground. With a regretful go-ahead from the oblivious, frankly intimidated official, the blondes turned their collective gaze back toward Knightley.

"You don't mind a little nudity do ya? You're practically a boy!" Katrina venomously hissed as she undid the drawstring of Keira's top, allowing her itty-bitty A-cup tits to spill free as her partner shimmied the Brit out of her bottoms. Planting her heels on the backs of Keira's calves, Katrina then wrenched and contorted the mewling brunette into a tight, devastating Ceiling Hold. Keira's mouth fell agape as her spine was once again curled into a brutal, inhumane shape, her slender frame spasming as Katrina mercilessly bounced and yanked her bent spine deeper into the hold.

Keira's dark-painted lashes suddenly peeled open as she felt Stacy step over and straddle her face, squealing at full-throat before her cries were muffled by the blonde's scantily-covered sex. The brunette's wilting frame buckled as Keibler tightened her muscled stems and flexed for the world to see, stretching up to her tippy toes to ensure her long, bronzed thighs were at full-mast in smothering out the pathetic, whimpering prey she'd trapped between her two boas. Keibler's inner thighs began to redden with the heat of Keira's frantic convulsing and squirming, only heightened when Stacy sensually leaned over the brunette's naked frame and clamped her devilish digits onto Keira's stiffening nipples.

"Maybe I can stretch you to a B!" Stacy playfully taunted as she remorselessly tugged and stretched Knightley's tits, nearly prying her nipples clean off her chest. As Keira's movements and coordination finally slowed after a few moments of breathless torture, her thin frame fell slack in the blondes' joint embrace; a faint gurgle and the heavy jostling of her messy convulsions the only sign of life.

"One more liiiiiiittle stretch!" Katrina echoed from below, painfully bowing Keira's naked frame once more, ensuring to pry her thighs apart with her own powerful legs. Following her partner's lead, Stacy playfully snaked her palm down Keira's flexing, twitching belly, painting her sweat-soaked landing strip of pubic hair before parting Knightley's plump kitty lips with her index and middle fingers.

"Get in tight for the PPV cover shot boys - the Sassy Classy Sisters are here to fucking stay!"

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Keira Knightley/Natalie Portman vs. Katrina Bowden/Stacy Keibler
"Stacy Keibler and Katrina were most certainly in a festive spirit.  The diabolical blondes were scantily clad in Santa Claus-inspired outfits -- Stacy in a tiny red mini-dress and Katrina in a satin red bra and panty set with white fur adorning the edges. Every time Katrina or Stacy bent down or spun around, their bronzed ass cheeks playfully peeked out from their tantalizing attire, causing a chorus of wolf whistles from the hypersexual crowd. The audience's whistles, of course, were also interrupted with a chorus of jeers. The disapproving boos were in reaction to the leggy duo's constant underhanded attacks and blatant interference.

Katrina, before the match began, snagged a microphone and proceeded to verbally berate one particular member of the opposing team. The recipient of the verbal lashing was Natalie Portman. Natalie and Katrina were no strangers in the ring -- the two had previously squared off with Katrina getting the win. Of course Bowden had a lot of help from Stacy Keibler and a wooden baseball bat, but that didn't stop Katrina from verbally accosting Portman as if the blonde had single handedly decimated her. Once Bowden and Keibler were finished with their pre-match trash talk, and all four women were in the ring, Natalie immediately approached Katrina, getting nose-to-nose with the arrogant blonde.

As soon as the time keeper rang the opening bell, Katrina raked her nails across Natalie's eyes and, before Portman could retaliate, Bowden tagged in Stacy. For the rest of the fight Stacy kept Natalie far from Keira's side of the ring, making sure Portman wasn't able to tag out. Once Natalie was a broken, sobbing mess Stacy finally tagged Katrina back in. "Oh my, what happened to your outfit?! It's in tatters," Bowden grinned, sending an ankle kick to Natalie's exposed ribs, sending the brunette flopping to her back. "Remember this?" Katrina runs her fingers under the back waistband of her panties before slightly hiking them up, exposing even more of her plump asscheeks. "What am I saying... of course you do! I mean, how could you forget my magnificent ass!" Bowden crouches down until the crotch of her panties is mere inches from Natalie's face. "Afterall, it was parked ontop of that pointy little nose of yours.... boop!" Katrina finished her statement by playfully bopping Portman's nose with her finger before continuing her taunting. "Since you seemed to have so much fun last time, I think it's time for my ass and your nose need to have another scandalous rendezvous."

The bronzed blonde slowly sank down to her knees and turned around until she was facing Portman's feet. With a  triumphant smirk etched on her face, Bowden began descending her bodacious backside toward Portman's aghast features. However, instead of once again feeling the stimulating sensation of Natalie's nose lodged between her cheeks, Katrina felt a searing pain. Letting out a wild yelp, Katrina jerked her head around to see the source of her discomfort. Katrina's baby blue eyes teared up and another yelp escaped her pursed lips as Natalie, gripping and hearty handful of Bowden's panties, wedgied the material even higher up the blonde's back.

The audience clamored as the short brunette stopped the conniving blonde dead in her tracks. In a last ditch effort to disrupt what was sure to be another humiliating loss, Natalie had used her last bit of strength to snatch her rival's underwear and wedgie the material sky high. Katrina shot up on her tiptoes, with Natalie eventually rising up behind her, wrenching the wedgie even higher! Keira, Natalie's partner whom, due to Katrina and Keibler's effective, albeit devious, plot to keep Natalie as the active fighter, cheered on the spunky brunette and outstretched her hand for a much-needed tag. Bowden pathetically danced across the canvas as more and more of her underwear disappeared up her ass with an exhausted, yet rejuvenated Natalie Portman leaving her ever closer to the opposite corner.

Everyone was so focused on the sight of Katrina's bubbly ass, which, at this point, was practically completely exposed, no one, not even the referee, noticed Keibler reach under the ring and grab a wooden baseball bat -- the same bat Katrina used to gain her victory over Natalie just weeks ago. Stacy, with the wooden bat in hand, crept around the ring until she was behind Keira. Just as Natalie came within inches of tagging in her partner, Stacy swung the bat, cracking it against Keira's calves. Knightley immediately collapsed, falling off the apron and landing on the concrete, scarcely covered by thin mats, below. Stacy, still holding the bat, high tails it around to her corner. Natalie and the referee, hearing the agonized sobs, turn their attention to Keira. Natalie releases her grip and peers over the ropes to see her partner clutching at her legs and writhing in pain.

The referee exits the ring to check on Knightly, ignorant to the fact that Stacy has entered the ring. With the referee distracted, Stacy is able to sneak behind Natalie and secure her arms behind her back. Bowden, whom has finally finished digging her underwear out of her ass, grabs the bat and viciously slams it against Natalie's exposed breasts. The loud CRACK of wood striking flesh booms across the arena, snapping the referee's attention back to the ring. Mich to the fan's dismay, by the time the referee enters the ring, Stacy is back behind the ropes, the bat has been safely discarded and Katrina is laying across Portman's convulsing body.

Katrina, of course, gets the pinfall and the Sassy Klassy Sisters are awarded the victory. Stacy and Katrina are showered with boos as the arrogantly pose over Portman and, the two divas acting as if they just won a gold medal, jumped for joy. Before they left the ring, Katrina once again crawled over Natalie and took a seat on her face. Just as the Blonde began rocking her hips an enraged Keira Knightley slid into the ring and hobbled over to save her partner. Sadly for Knightley, she was too injured to intervene and proceeded to get smothered under Keibler's ass while Katrina remained perched, once again, on top of Natalie's disgusted face."

- Submission by jdo90

Stacy Keibler vs. Trish Stratus
"Stacy Keibler, through her pre-match snarky comments about her "much older" opponent and blind siding and stripping a fellow WWE alum, had dug herself in a very deep hole. Now, with her teammates Alexa Bliss and Katrina Bowden forced to leave ringside, she was forced to face Trish without any outside interference. Stacy, despite gaining a small advantage at the beginning of the fight, using underhanded attacks to slow down her rival, was only able to delay the inevitable. Trish looked as if she hadn't missed a step, flawlessly executing signature move after signature move on her leggy foe.

Trish, after landing a stunning bulldog, drilling Keibler face-first into the canvas, grabs onto the hem of Stacy's top and snatches it off. Keibler shrieks, wrapping her arms over her chest in an attempt to shield her hot pink bra inadvertently allowing Trish access to Stacy's black booty shorts. The crowd roars with approval as Trish trips Stacy's shorts down her long legs, unveiling the blonde's treasured ass, clad in black, bikini-cut panties. Stratus' face breaks into a wide grin as she tosses Stacy's clothes out of the ring, basking in the cheers of the crowd.

Keibler, with her hands glued to her crotch and ass, slowly rises to her feet. Her face is flushed with an embarrassing shade of red. She stalks behind Trish and lands a horrific spinning heel kick, dropping Trish to the canvas. Stacy squats down and grabs Trish by the cheeks, shaking her uncomprehending face, and taunts her foe, "You thought you could humiliate me in front of all these losers in the crowd?! You thought you could just strip me and get away with it? News flash, bitch, it's not 2001 anymore!"

Stacy lands a crisp slap to Trish's face and stand over her foe's body, facing her feet. Stacy bends at the waist, lifts Trish's hips up and hooks her fingers into the waistband of Stratus' pants. The dastardly diva begins yanking the pants, revealing Trish's thong-clad ass to the jeering, yet appreciative, crowd. Keibler beams with delight, hoisting her rival's legs up high and slowly, teasingly pulling Trish's pants off, unveiling her entire ass until, suddenly, Trish wraps her legs around Stacy's torso, hooking them under her arms, and flips Stacy over.

Trish plants her thong-clad tush on Stacy's shocked, protesting features, grabs her long, kicking legs and hooks them under her arms causing Keibler's amazing ass to rise skyward. Stacy's entire face us buried deep in Trish's ass, due in part to her frantically shaking her head and Trish tauntingly wiggling her hip. Stacy's nose has dug it's way between her rival's cheeks and her tightly shut eyes are mercilessly blinded by a pair of firm, tan buns. Keibler's sight and smell have been stolen, devoid of any use by Trish's backside, leaving only the sense of touch left. Stacy, with her other two senses robbed, had a heightened sense of touch and could feel Trish's fingers lightly brush down her bent spine. She felt those same fingers curl into the waistband of her panties, sending the leggy blonde into hysterics. "NO! NONONOOO!" Keibler squeals but, with her voice muffled by Trish's ass, all that could be heard was, "MPH! MPHMPHMMMPH!" Trish broke into a wide grin as she effortlessly peeled Stacy's panties up her erratically kicking legs until they were completely removed. Trish climbs off of Stacy and hoists the black panties above her head. Trish has, for the first time ever, stripped Stacky Keibler of her panties, unveiling the leggy blondes smoothly-shaven pussy and bare, sun-kissed ass to the entire world.

The roar of the crowd is deafening as the men clamor in appreciation and the strobes from the photographers at ringside and in the crowd illuminate Stacy with their flashing strobe lights. Stacy is completely distraught, hysterically sobbing and throwing an absolute temper tantrum. She hastily scurries to her feet, her hands glued to her ass and crotch as Trish holds Keibler's panties high above her head. She glares at Trish and, taking a page out of Maria Kanellis' book, tries to take advantage of her rival's turned back. She sprints forward, her arm swinging out at Trish. But, sensing the canvas rumble, Stratus bends down and Stacy's arm swings through the air. The momentum causes Keibler to awkwardly twirl on her heels until she gets dropped by a brutal roundhouse kick from Stratus, dropping the bottomless blonde. Trish mounts Stacy, grabs one of her mile-long legs and pulls it up high, pinning Keibler and giving the fans and photographers a great view of her exposed snatch. The referee performs an emphatic three count and raises Trish's arm in victory.

Stacy curls up in a fetal position, softly sobbing as Trish stands vicariously over her body. "You're right, Stacy. It isn't 2001 anymore. Stripping you to your bra and panties just doesn't cut it anymore, " Trish squats down and whispers in Stacy's ear, "Just know what I did to you tonight was mild. You and your two little friends won't be able to show your bitchy faces in public once we get through with all of you." Trish punctuates her statement by balling up Keibler's discarded panties and shoving them in the blonde's quivering mouth, physically and symbolically shutting her up for the night."

- Submission by jdo90

Stana Katic/Molly Quinn vs. Katrina Bowden/Stacy Keibler
"One!... Two!!..... Th--" *THWACK*

"GGGGGUUUHHHHGGGGLLL" Katic throatily blubbered; her lithe, gangly frame awkwardly flopping and skidding to an unceremonious stop on her plump backside some three feet away from the pile-up. The twisted brunette coughed and sputtered up a mouthful of blood across her now-naked chest; the fleshy, crunching impact having slung her bronzed B-cups free of the tattered micro bikini top she had dawned with stunning modesty the entire fight thus far. Stana's vacant hazel bulbs fluttered and blinked as she peered absentmindedly up at the rafters nearly motionless, arms and legs splayed to all four corners of the ring as her perked chest jiggled with soft pitches, drifting in and out of lucidity.

Mere milliseconds away from snatching an impressively unaided victory, without her partner Molly Quinn even tagging into the fight, Stana Katic had been brutally run up on and soccer-kicked square in the jaw by the prowling Stacy Keibler from outside the ropes. Knowing she'd just blatantly interfered to save her lifeless partner Katrina Bowden from a sure loss, the jittery blonde shot an extended glance toward Molly Quinn on the opposite ropes, expecting the redhead to be bounding toward her hellbent on revenge for the cheap shot that broke up Katic's pin. Instead, Quinn simply shrugged her shoulders and turned her cheek from the foul, pantomiming a disinterested yawn as her partner and fierce rival was dislodged from her perch atop Bowden and left crippled by the running boot.

Feeling empowered by the free pass handed out by Molly, Stacy turned her attention back to the wounded Katic, sensually straddling the gurgling brunette's naked, heaving sternum before ripping her upright by her silky, braided locks. Stana mewled as her thighs clumsily jostled and buckled together, every muscle in her slender stems pleading to give out rather than stiffen as Keibler balanced her on her heels. With one hand wrenching the brunette's flossy bottoms high up her backside, splitting her plump cheeks to the point it elicited a hoarse squeal, and the other roughly clasping the shoulder strap of Katic's displaced top, Keibler effortlessly slung the brunette's dead weight into the near corner. Managing to turn at the last possible second to shield her naked chest from the pancaking impact, a sloppy dribble of blood sloshed from Katic's lips as her once-statuesque frame wilted against the ropes, her painted eyelashes fluttering as she sputtered helplessly for oxygen, her knees clacking before giving out altogether, sprawled from rope-to-rope across the corner post.

Stana's digits trembled as they clumsily fumbled with her own twisted top, attempting with little success to prudishly tuck her exposed tits back into their cups.

"Huh-uh!" Stacy scolded from across the ring, skipping forward and slapping Stana's palms away. With the disheveled brunette lacking the motor skills to fight back, Keibler gleefully spent the next few minutes stripping Stana completely naked and splaying the whimpering actress across the ropes for an invasive, exposing view of her sex. Removing her string top and bottoms with ease, Stacy managed to lift, split and fasten each of Stana's slender thighs to opposite sides of the turnbuckle, tethering Katic's spread lower half to the middle ropes with her own clothes. The muscles in Stana's inner thighs strained and flexed as she attempted to bow her legs back together, hoarsely wailing as the splitting pressure on her stems mounted. One hand feebly slung over the top rope to alleviate some of her body weight as the other palm slithered down to cup her mound, whimpering as she attempted to shield the sweat-drenched bush of pubic hair shaven above her cunt. Briefly dropping to her knees between Stana's arching thighs, Stacy softly cooed as she gently brushed her tongue over Katic's quivering kitty, devouring the brunette's plump, spread lips until the actress' sagging frame stiffened with wild convulsions, her mouth falling agape as a stream of drool dribbled from her bottom row of pearly white teeth. Pulling back from her sloppy feast, Keibler planted a kiss on Stana's crotch, leaving a bright red set of lips just beside Katic's pink slit before vaulting up the ropes and straddling the spasming brunette.

With a wave to the roaring crowd, Stacy turned her backside to the reeling brunette and balanced herself on the bottom rope with her never-ending stems straddling Katic. Reaching back with both hands and wrenching the waistband of her own thong bottoms high up her sashaying hips, Stacy sensually parted her cheeks and wedgied the biting spandex material of her own bottoms, leaving no trace of the cherry red string band as it disappeared up her ass. As a shower of catcalls rained down on the two fighters, Stacy leaned back and allowed gravity to do the work as she took a triumphant seat atop Katic's face. The brunette suddenly sprung to life as her arms slung over Stacy's thighs, meekly pattering against the blonde's muscled stems as Stacy grate her hips to ensure Katic's features nuzzled deep into her pillowy derrière. Katic's bound frame twisted and spasmed as her feet pedaled and kicked, her painted toes curling as her hips desperately bucked, her abdomen flexing and puffing for oxygen before finally sulking into a curled ball of folds of flesh. Katic's teardropping tits continued to pitch and convulse as her arms slid off Keibler's thighs, no longer protesting as they instead dangled toward the canvas below.

"Come get your cover shot, you baboon!" Stacy furiously shouted to a camera operator just outside the ring, turning her attention away from the action in front of her, imploring the staff to come into the ring and get a tight shot of her new signature line of lipstick painted across Stana's plump kitty lips. Instead the cameraman simply rotated the angle of his shot, taking the lens off Stacy for the first time and instead directing it over her shoulder toward the center of the ring. Sensing danger a half-second too late, Stacy wheeled just in time to see Molly Quinn dash off the ropes and crow-hop forward, scooping up two handfuls of Stacy's dangling blonde locks and using her newly acquired reins to whip Stacy off the turnbuckle post. Doing half a revolution in mid-air, Stacy's lanky frame slung viciously against the canvas skull-first as Quinn deposited the preening blonde into the mat with a paralyzing Hair Mare. Stacy throatily gurgled as her towering frame skid as though she'd been ejected from a vehicle, rolling to a stop face down in the opposite corner.

Quinn scoffed as she checked the pulse of her twitching partner, leaving Katic lifelessly dangling from the corner ropes before skipping over to the downed pair of blondes. With Bowden just beginning to stir next to an unconscious Keibler, Molly made sure to scooch the waking actress underneath the bottom rope and out of the ring altogether to ensure she couldn't interfere. With a beaming smile that seemed to indicate Quinn got just about everything she could've hoped for to transpire, the unbothered redhead curled Stacy up for a victorious 3-count, earning the glory for herself rather than her rival Katic. Letting Keibler and her upturned ass unfold from the pin, Stacy's heavy gams plopped lifelessly to the mat as Molly stood to soak in her picture perfect win. Rolling the pitching blonde to her side, Quinn shimmied the bottoms of Keibler's wedgied thong until they slid over her hips, stripping Stacy naked from the waist down and revealing her tantalizing, bronzed peach.

"Don't worry, this isn't about you..." Molly sternly hissed to the unresponsive blonde before sauntering back to the hanging Katic.

"Thought you could use a souvenir from our first win, bestie!" Quinn cackled as she sidled up to Katic's hip, balling Stacy's panties in her palm and stuffing them down Stana's throat until her sternum swelled and bulged. The brunette gurgled and sputtered as Molly inspected her flushed, sweat-soaked features with an ear-to-ear smile, twisting her digits around a matted clump of Stana's silky locks and lifting her lifeless skull off the turnbuckle where it was still stapled from Stacy's ass smother. Throwing up a peace sign along with an arrogant grin, Molly threw her arm over Stana's shoulders and posed for the throngs of cameras, propping up her naked, spread eagle partner as Katic's fleshy corpse continued to spasm and convulse still split and tied to the corner."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Stana Katic/Molly Quinn vs. Katrina Bowden/Stacy Keibler
"Stacy Keibler's pink, glossy lips stretched wide, curling upwards into a toothy, devious grin as she swung her right leg over the middle rope and stuck her coveted derrière up in the air. The hem of her skimpy cheerleading red and white skirt rising up causing her sun-kissed, thong clad ass cheeks to play a game of peekaboo with the crowd. Stacy eyed the nude, battered, comatose body of Stana Katic and cackled with wicked delight. Katrina and Stacy were clad in seductively skimpy cheerleading outfits. The leggy blondes were hoping their patriotic color schemes, Katrina in blue and white and Stacy in Red and White, would help portray them in a positive light. They believed if they appeared like a blonde haired, blue-eyed, patriotic, girl-next-door type of women they would be more likely to get away with cheating. And, in essence, it appeared to be working! Stacy and Katrina had spent the entirety of the match ensuring Stana didn't budge from their side of the ring.

Poor Stana was the first to face off in the ring and, as soon as the bell rang, Katrina whipped Stana into the corner closest to Stacy and, for the next 10 minutes, took turns punishing Katic with a torrent of chokes and illegal strikes. The wicked blonde's tagged in and out, allowing each other to recuperate and preventing Stana from recieving time to recover. After Katrina obliterated Stana with a vicious swinging neckbreaker, leaving the exhausted former Champion staring at the lights, her nude body stretched out. All Katrina had to do was secure the pin and gain the victory for her team. But as she approached her opponent, Katrina heard Stacy call out, "Hey, I wanna make the pin!" Katrina quizzically looked over her shoulder at Keibler, "It doesn't really matter who pins her, does it? Ya know, as long as we win..." Bowden trails off as Stacy speaks up, "Pleaseeeeeeeee...." Stacy begs, enthusiastically stretching her arm out. "Okay," Bowden shrugs, "if it matters that much to you." The crow barks out venomous jeers at Stacy, irate that the wicked blonde's underhanded tactics was about to lead them to victory.

Stacy gave her hips a seductive shake, teasing the crowd as she slowly lowered herself down onto all fours and hooked Stana's left leg, lifting it skyward and lazily leaned back, baring Katic's crotch. It appeared that Stana's dismal streak of humiliating losses were going to continue. Stacy used her free hand to count along as the referee slapped the canvas. But, when Stacy held up her third finger, there was no accompanying slap of the mat. Stana had kicked out just in the nick of time and Stacy, along with everyone in attendance, couldn't believe it! Stacy dropped her jaw and twisted her neck and gaped at the referee in astonishment. "WHAT?!" Keibler screeches, "That was a 3 count!" Stacy argues, rising to her feet and confronting the referee. While Stacy argued with the referee while a groggy Stana Katic struggled to her hands and knees and began crawling toward her corner of the ring. Katic strained every fiber to reach her corner until, finally, Stana tagged in an energetic, fired up Molly Quinn. Despite Katrina's cries for Keibler to pay attention, the leggy Keibler, still arguing with the ref, didn't notice Quinn sprinting across the ring and send Katrina crashing to the ground below with a well-placed forearm to the chin. Keibler fell victim shortly after to a ring-shaking spear. A gust of wind burst from Stacy's mouth as Molly's shoulder drove into the leggy blonde's abdomen, completely bisecting her. Molly proceeded to release all of her built up frustration on Keibler, slamming her face into the canvas and shredding off her cheerleader top, leaving Keibler's top half clad in a black bra.

Katrina began rising up just as Molly delivered a stomp to Stacy's breasts. Seeing Katrina standing so close to the ring apron, Molly knew she had to deal with her, otherwise Bowden would break the pin fall. Moving as quickly as a cheetah, Quinn raced to the side of the ring closest to Katrina, dropped down and baseball slid underneath the bottom rope and, in a seamless transition, wrapped her thighs around Bowden's neck and flipped her upside down with a hurricanranna. Katrina was out like a light, her limbs splayed out on the thinly-padded concrete. With Bowden dealt with. Molly climbed back onto the apron, leapt onto the top rope and jumped off, landing straight onto Stacy's chest for a breathtaking springboard elbowdrop! The point of Quinns elbow drilled into Stacy's breasts, crushing her tits painfully against her chest. The blow melted the wicked blonde into the canvas.

Molly, not wasting any time and wanting to finally experience her first victory, layed sideways over her blonde foe, hooked one of Keibler's famous mile-long legs and raised it toward the rafters before pinning Stacy's arm down to the canvas and applying all of her weight on Stacy, just incase she were to awaken from her slumber. Stacy didn't even twitch her fingers as the 3 count rang out. Molly jumped up and down, squealing in delight. That is until she saw the stripped nude, bruised body of her tag team partner. Even the though the two had a rocky history, she still couldn't leave her partner laying naked on the canvas. To remedy the situation, Molly stripped Keibler of every article of clothing until she was completely nude. Molly used Stacy's clothes to dress Stana and helped the former champ to her feet. The two ladies made it a point to step on Stacy's exposed crotch and breasts as they left the ring. Stacy, for the second fight in a row, was stripped nude, laying on the canvas."

- Submission by jdo90

Kendall Jenner vs. Stacy Keibler (Sex Fight Title Match)
"As was often the case in these types of matchups where celebrities and models were asked to fuck each other silly in the middle of a wrestling ring, bettors struggled to get a pre-fight pulse of the true favorite in this bout. But just seconds in it was breathtakingly obvious that the elder Keibler had an insatiable sexual appetite, and everything she pulled out of her bottomless bag of tricks made the overwhelmed Jenner twist and squeal even louder.

Pursuing her dazed, quaking fucktoy across the ring on all fours, a salacious Keibler finally threw herself over Kendall's trembling ass and mounted the brunette doggy-style, grating her thong-covered sex against Kendall's plump, naked lips from behind. Already stripped bottomless by the lascivious blonde, Kendall had lost the will or desire to protest as Stacy slid her palm through her slender thighs, expertly stroking and kneading the brunette's pulsing slit until Kendall's stems slid open, lusting for more. In a boisterous, ravishing display, Stacy quickly pumped the brunette's kitty until Jenner was a sputtering mess, erupting with a nearly-uncontested orgasm that left her slouched and panting on her belly, almost satisfied with her loss."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins


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