
Showing posts from December, 2017


To All Viewers This league has seen incredible success, and to keep things fresh I want to institute one major change moving forward. We will now be introducing RANDOMNESS and CHAOS into the equation. Typically, the winner of each fight has been determined solely based on the voting of the audience. If  Fighter A  receives 60% of the vote, she defeats  Fighter B . This is great because voting is obviously fun and engaging, but fights become predictable. I would never dream of pitting Taylor Swift against Kate Upton, because the voting would come out 80% or higher in Kate's favor. But what if Taylor still had a shot? That's where randomness comes in. I want to add a random number generator (RNG) into the equation. Moving forward, voting won't solely  determine  the winner, but instead it will  influence  the winner. Your votes now just stack the deck for your preferred fighter. You'll still have to check back at the end of the voting period to see who actually won!