Alexa Bliss


Age: 29
Height: 5'1
Weight: 105 lbs
Bust: 34B
Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

Record: 3 - 1
Wins: Alexa Bliss (67%) defeats Emilia Clarke (33%)
Alexa Bliss (66%) defeats Natalie Portman (34%)
Alexa Bliss (61%) defeats Alison Brie (39%)
Losses: Maria Kanellis (51%) defeats Alexa Bliss (49%)

Rivals: Trish Stratus (0 - 0)

Tag Record: 0 - 0
Wins: N/A
Losses: N/A

Alexa Bliss vs. Maria Kanellis
"Alexa Bliss, the self-proclaimed Goddess, Queen of the CWF, was making her debut tonight. A thunderous noise booms through the crowd once Bliss' electronic music hits. The eruption of noise is a chaotic mixture of boos and cheers. Many fans were happy to see the 5 foot blonde make her debut at the pre-fight press conference... and, on the other hand, many were less than thrilled at her haughty attitude. To add to the disdain, Miss Bliss had aligned herself with two of the most dastardly divas on the roster, teaming up with Stacy Keibler and Katrina Bowden. Nevertheless, the crowd's enthusiastic sound made one thing clear -- Alex's Bliss was going to draw a lot of attention and, as they say, any publicity is good publicity.

Alexa Bliss was flanked by her leggy teammates as she waltzed down the ramp. Alexa's athletic frame is garbed in her traditional attire, a black and pink lycra sports bra, matching booty shorts and knee-high boots. Stacy and Katrina were garbed in cleavage-boosting hot pink tank tops. The accompanying blonde's sunkissed asscheeks playfully peeked out of the bottoms of their skin-tight, black booty shorts. Stacy and Katrina stood on the outskirts of the ring, cheering on their new teammate. The three blondes smiles were wiped off their faces when a very energetic Maria Kanellis same sprinting down the ramp, ready to put on a show for the capacity crowd.

The battle between Alexa and Maria turned into an all out war! Both beauties traded blows, neither backing down. Through the course of their intense battle there were several close calls. The referee, on several occasions, was only milliseconds away from counting a pin fall before the pinned diva would raise her shoulder or kick out of the pin. Stacy and Katrina looked worried. They knew that they needed to help Alexa gain the upper hand and, judging by the exhausted state of both ladies in the ring, they needed to do it quickly.

The devious duo trade affirming nods and break into action. Stacy hops onto the ring apron and drapes her leg over the middle rope, bending over and poking her ass out, appearing as if she's about to enter the ring. The referee turns his attention to the leggy blonde, ordering her to get off the apron. As the two argue, Katrina runs to the opposite side of the ring and hops on the apron. Maria blindly backs into Katrina. The conniving blonde hooks Maria's arms behind her back, trapping her.

Alexa, taking advantage of the situation, bounces off the ropes and sprints toward Maria. Stacy sees Alexa running at Maria and, knowing Alexa is about to knock out the brunette, slowly climbs off the apron and apologizes to the referee. Alexa leaps up and slings her elbow forward. The point of her elbow connects with a thud, slamming against a jaw. Bowden collapses off the apron, her lithe body curling in a heap on the floor below. At the last possible second, Maria was able to break free from Katrina's grip and evade the attack, causing Bliss to strike Katrina instead. The short blonde gasped and leaned over the ropes, apologizing profusely at her writhing teammate.

Maria, taking advantage, drops to her knees, hooks her arm between Alexa's mouthwatering thighs and rolls her up for a pin. The maneuver caught Bliss by complete surprise! All she can do is kick her feet as the referee counts to three, awarding the victory to Maria. Kanellis jumps for joy and claps her hands, celebrating her victory. After a screaming and kicking temper tantrum, Bliss stands up and motions for Stacy to get in the ring. The two blondes sneak behind Maria and club her in the back of the head with a double clothesline, sending Maria face-first to the canvas. A chorus of boos rain down as Stacy and Alexa brutally stomp Maria into the canvas. The ring bell repeatedly clangs as Kanellis gets obliterated. Bowden eventually gets to her feet and joins her teammates in stomping the poor brunette.

Once Maria is barely conscious, the villainous trio viciously strip off her clothes, brutally ripping off her lycra pants and top before ripping off her black cotton bra. Just as Alexa grabs onto Maria's panties, Trish Stratus sprints down the ring. As soon as as Bowden's eyes catch a glimpse of Stratus, the taller blonde scurries away. Trish sends a barrage of punches and kicks to Bliss, sending her tumbling out of the ring. The referee, finally regaining order, orders Bliss and Katrina to leave, forcing the conniving blondes to the back. "What?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Stacy protests, stomping her foot as security escorts her teammates to the back and into their locker room. Trish consoles Maria, offering her a robe to cover up with and helping her to her feet, as Stacy continues arguing with the ref. Maria, wrapped up in a red silk robe, thanks Trish. "Kick that leggy loser's ass for me," Maria grimaced, holding her back in pain. Trish nods and gives Maria a hug before turning her attention to Stacy, practically foaming at the mouth to get her hands on her old rival."

- Submission by jdo90

Alexa Bliss vs. Emilia Clarke (Oil Wrestling Match)
"While a debut loss is never looked upon kindly, it would be fair to chalk Alexa Bliss' first defeat up to bad scheduling luck. A true coinflip fall to a much more stout and seasoned professional wrestler didn't spell disaster for the pixie blonde's career, and in her first bout as a favorite she handled business with ease. Completely out of her element, and even moreso out of her league, Emilia Clarke stood little chance from the opening bell. While the oil wrestling match had a more playful feel than a sinister one, Bliss never relenquished control for a second, ragdolling the brunette across the slippery ring with a million-dollar smile until a final rear naked choke to the dizzied actress brought about her merciful end."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Natalie Portman vs. Alexa Bliss (Skin-to-Win Match)
"No matter how much you plan and prepare, things can still go wrong. Natalie had these words echoing through her head as the night had spiraled into a disaster from the moment the bell rang. Alexa had outworked, outmaneuvered and outsped her throughout the night, rattling her with sharp elbows, stiff kicks, and back-rattling slams that left the Harvard alum writhing in pain. Natalie was still in this match, but things would only get worse.

After clobbering the Academy Award winner with a head-shaking forearm to the face, Alexa finally slid Portman’s tight black spandex shorts right down and off her smooth legs. In complete control, Bliss began showboating to the crowd in her signature pose, holding her captured prize above her shoulder while salaciously licking her lips to the delight of the crowd and cameras. All just long enough for Natalie to sneak up behind her and pull down Bliss’ teeny tiny camo shorts, sending the blonde face first to the mat as Portman wiggled the shorts fully off of her. "Five Feet of a Flabby Ass is what they should call you," Portman quipped, her face red, but her expression renewed with a glimmer of hope. Bliss angrily threw Portman’s bottoms into the crowd, letting the audience fight for them as she turned around to face her foe. The Goddess of WWE’s face twisted in a bright red fury as the two stood across the ring from each other bottomless.

There was no comeback quip as Bliss rushed headfirst at her foe, pushing Natalie into the ropes as the two simultaneously latched onto each other's hairs, the frenzied movement leaving them in a back and forth struggle as they traded places against the ropes, the rough red rubber pushing firmly against each woman’s jiggling cheeks. The chaos ended as Natalie made her play, shifting all of her weight to throw herself fully into Bliss and push her bare ass first into the corner. Shoving her forearm into Bliss’ neck, Natalie put her in place, her mind racing as she tried to think of what move to make next … .. "AUGH!" Portman howled, dropping to the floor in agony as she covered her bare, aching crotch.

"Don’t fuck with me. Maybe next time you won’t get knee'd." Bliss huffed, ripping off Portman’s black sports bra as uncomfortably as she could before rubbing it against her bare ass, throwing it back square onto Natalie’s face remorselessly. Alexa climbed the turnbuckles, taking a leap at her downed, blinded foe beneath her before she leapt back in a spiral, landing flush with a picture-perfect Twisted Bliss to her nude foe. Not bothering to hook Portman’s leg, Alexa laid back on the aching Hollywood star like she was her own personal pillow, listening with a blasé smile as the ref repeated the words she’d heard so many times before: 1, 2, 3!

- Submission by Mr. Drake

Natalie Portman vs. Alexa Bliss (Skin-to-Win Match)
"If Alexa's pre-fight promo wasn't enough proof that she didn't want to compete in a match with such a humiliating, degrading, vulgar stipulation, it was certainly apparent on her face. Miss Bliss scowled during the entirety of her opponent's entrance to the ring, glaring at both her opponent and the rowdy, roaring audience. In honor of Halloween, Alexa Bliss was garbed in a Freddy Krueger inspired outfit, complete with a ripped, red striped sweater and with sharp metal nails jutting from the fingertips of her gloves. Bliss impatiently stalked across the ring as Natalie timidly stepped over the ropes. Natalie was also festively dressed, wearing the black dress she wore during her starring role in 'Black Swan'. She even wore the same dark eye-makeup, hoping it would intimidate her shorter, younger opponent. Spoiler alert: it had no effect whatsoever.

The moment Portman stepped foot inside the ring Alexa was on the attack, swarming Natalie with a barrage of swiping elbows to the face and snapping kicks to the shins. As opposed to attempting to regain order, the referee simply rang the bell and watched the fireworks. Alexa put her sharp Krueger claws to good use, utilizing them to swipe at Natalie's frilly dress, ripping giant gaping holes into the fabric. Natalie, utterly terrified, tried crawling away on her hands and knees. Tattered strips of cloth from her elegant black dress hung down her wilted, lanky frame, revealing glimpses of the Movie Star's black lace lingerie.. Portman was overwhelmed by the unrelenting flurry of offense by the spunky "5 feet of Fury" and fell straight into Alexa's trap. As soon as Natalie reached the bottom rope, Bliss ran behind her and shoved her knee into the back of Portman's neck, forcing her foe's throat against the bottom rope, cruelly choking her.

The sound of boos from the disgruntled crowd fills the packed arena. After several seconds of her captured screaming for mercy, Alexa finally relents. Natalie sucks in a lungful of air and flops back on the mat like a fish out of water. Alexa, showing no remorse, stomps her boots down on Natalie's hair, grabs her wrists, and pulls the older woman up, yanking Portman's hair. Natalie sobs from the agonizing, underhanded attack, her tears streaking her jet black eye makeup down her crimson cheeks. Bliss doesn't stop pulling her arms and yanking her hair until Portman is incoherently sobbing. Only then does the cruel blonde release her foe's wrists and instead grabs onto the tattered fabric of Natalie's dress, shredding it completely off.

"Oh, shut up!!" Alexa screams down at Natalie, "You're pathetic! I'm the Goddess! I run this division! I RUN THIS FEDERATION!!" Alexa shrieks, bending down and landing a hard bitch slap to Portman's face. Bliss reaches down, grabs Portman's bra between the cups and, with one yank, rips it off, revealing her small, pale breasts. Natalie is hysterical, bawling her eyes out. The audience is usually bloodthirsty and uncaring, but even they couldn't help but feel sympathy for the blubbering woman. Bliss stomps to the corner, leaps to the top of the turnbuckle and flips through the air, landing ontop of Natalie, connecting with her signature move 'Twisted Bliss'. The collision knocks Portman completely out, allowing Alexa to effortlessly yank off her panties, revealing her foe's neatly-trimmed crotch.

With a disgusted scoff at her dozing opponent, Bliss hooks Natalie's leg, pulling the limb back, causing the overhead spotlights to shine down on her sweat-soaked labia. The 3 count by the referee is only a formality. This wasn't a fight, this was a message from Bliss, from The Goddess. After the referee raises Alexa's hand, the diabolical blonde rips Natalie up by a handful of hair, tucks the lifeless loser's head under her arm and falls back. The crown of Portman's skull collides on the canvas with a sickening thud. Alexa stands up, spits on Portman's back and exits the ring, fully clothed and unscathed."

- Submission by jdo90

Alison Brie vs. Alexa Bliss (Buck Naked Beauties Title Match)
"With each woman having taken turns dominating long stretches of this wild, back-and-forth affair, it was Alison Brie who was surprisingly starting to wear down the compact, seemingly indestructible veteran wrestler. It was a battle of two stunningly fit bodies, and what better way to show them off than with a Buck Naked Beauties match; though despite the spirit of the rules, Alexa had managed to find a clever workaround that at least left some dignity intact. Despite starting out with a thick, vibrant coat of body paint shielding her dynamo frame, every second of sweat and body-to-body contact left both the ring and Alexa smeared with interchanging amounts of paint. With little cover left, Bliss was starting to worry more about how much skin she was showing and less about Brie.

Rather than risking dropping her makeshift arm-bra, Alexa chose to forego her defenses as Alison coiled a sharp backhand slap, knocking the pixie blonde into the corner where she slumped into an undignified position, wailing with mortified screams as she looked down to see her chest glimmering with hardly a hint of body paint left. Sensing that her opponent was paralyzed, Brie athletically hoisted the blubbering blonde to the top of the turnbuckle, knocking her to a seated position on top of the post. Retreating a handful of steps, Brie suddenly hopped forward and charged, attempting to knock Bliss off the turnbuckle to the concrete some 10 feet below. Whether it was Brie's accompanying scream that snapped her out of it, or truly being backed into a corner, Alexa extended one of her piston-like stems at the last possible moment, spearing Alison square in the jaw with a sickening, fleshy crunch.

Alison's frame sloshed on her heels as her skull was snapped sideways, her bulbs rolling in their sockets as she drifted half a step before pirouetting and collapsing in place, spasming tits-up on her backside. Immediately vaulting to the top rope, Alexa relied on muscle-memory alone as she spun through an all-too familiar Twisted Bliss, a move that drew raucous applause from the boisterous fans before her muscled frame exploded atop Brie's. Alison let out a throaty, winded grunt as her naked frame lawn-chaired at the waist, twitching uncontrollably as Alexa scooped one of her thighs and arched her legs into a revealing split, one that spread her sensitive folds of flesh just long enough for thousands of flash-bulbs to go off from the front rows. Alison simply pitched and convulsed as the 3-count rang out, gurgling incoherently as Alexa defiantly snarled, nothing but relief painted across her stark nude features as the bell finally rang."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Alison Brie vs. Alexa Bliss (Buck Naked Beauties Title Match)
"Alison Brie was given the tall task of fighting twice in one night and not only fighting, but fighting the rising CWF star alexa Bliss and the current Strawweight Champion Emma Watson. Alison still wasn't comfortable walking down the entrance ramp completely naked. Sure, she had been stripped in fights numerous times in the past, but there was something different about being forced to begin the match completely nude, knowing that she must fight the entirety of the match in nothing but her birthday suit. The only saving grace for Brie was that her opponent would also be naked. A Buck Naked Beauties Championship fight requires both women to be naked, so everyone was on a level playing field. Brie was ever confident in defeating her opponent tonight because, unlike Alison, Alexa had never been stripped at all. She never showed even a hint of underwear during her short time in the company and now she would be forced to wrestle completely naked.

Bliss' music hits and the crowd is on their feet, cameras in hand, waiting to capture images of Alexa's pint-sized, curvaceous figure. But once she walked out from behind the curtain, she was met with a chorus of boos once they saw her body and Alison stood gaping in shock. Alexa was covered from head to toe in thick body paint! She had clothes painted on her body to resemble Harley Quinn from the Batman Arkham City video game, with painted pants, top, gloves and even face paint. Alison suddenly felt much more exposed once she saw her opponent covered in body paint, her nipples, crotch and ass covered by a thick black and red protective coat. Five Feet of Fury couldn't help but smirk as she walked down the ramp and snatched a microphone.

"Did you idiot's actually think that I, Alexa bliss, the Goddess of the CWF, would ever voluntarily walk out here naked?! How stupid can you be?" Alexa sneers as the audience jeers in anger, "I knew this wrestling promotion was trashy, but this match takes the cake. Buck Naked Beauties? What kind of title is that?! I'm the Goddess and I deserve the Strawweight Championship, not some slutty second-hand belt. This belt should be fought over by the disgusting, filthy pornstars that take up half of the roster. Like that so-called "model" Cali Logan!" The audience cheers just at the mention of Cali's name. "Oh, you perverts actually like her? Well, I guess you would. You losers would like Cali because she's a dirty, trashy slut that strips her clothes off for a handful of change. I bet if you gave her a dollar you could get a blowjob and a free STD! But you wanna know who's worse than these pornstars, who's even worse than that tramp Cali Logan?" Alexa asks, as she climbs into the ring It's you, Alison. You're so pathetic, and so desperate for the approval of these losers in the audience that you willingly prance out here naked! I can't wait to knock you out and send your pathetic ass back down the rankings! Alison, please take this ass whipping personal."

The loud boos of the crowd are overwhelmed by the loud reverb of the microphone as Alexa ruthlessly slammed it into Alison's head. Brie immediately crumbles, sinking to a knee and holding her head in pain. Alexa grabs a handful of the brunette's hair, jerking her foe to her feet before leveling Alison with a brutal forearm strike to the jaw. Alexa continues her assault, making short work of Brie, striking her with a relentless flurry of kicks and stomps, pummeling Alison's tight, naked frame. "You don't even deserve to step foot into MY RING?! YOU'RE PATHETIC!" Bliss screams at her mewling foe, mocking Brie as the crowd-favorite brunette curls in a ball, trying to shield herself from Alexa's aggressive offense.

Alexa forces Brie to unravel from the fetal position by landing several short soccer kicks to her curled spine. Alison cries out and rolls onto her back while Bliss scoffs at the sniveling brunette. With a devious scowl, Alexa reaches down and yanks Alison up to her feet and cuts the poor woman in half with a devastating knee to her abdomen, knocking the wind out of her demoralized opponent. Alison's heaving, sweat-slicked breasts teardrop to the canvas as she swaddles her tummy, incapable of mustering up any type of defense when Alexa wraps her arms around Brie's head in a front face lock. Bliss cinches her arms tight, constricting blood flow to Alison's brain before snapping back. The crown of Alison Brie's skull collides on the canvas with a sickening thud, the impact causing her naked frame to jiggle. Miss Five Feet of Fury uses her foot to roll the stiff body of her foe over and places a domineering foot on Alison's quaking, bare breasts for an emphatic and unnecessary three count."

- Submission by jdo90


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