Kristen Bell

Age: 37
Height: 5'1
Weight: 105 lbs
Bust: 32B
Hometown: Huntington Woods, Michigan

Record: 3 - 4
Wins: Kristen Bell (54%) defeats Sophia Bush (46%)
Kristen Bell (59%) defeats Victoria Justice (41%)
Kristen Bell (70%) defeats Keira Knightley (30%)
Losses: Alison Brie (52%) defeats Kristen Bell (48%)
Daisy Ridley (54%) defeats Kristen Bell (46%)
Jordana Brewster (53%) defeats Kristen Bell (47%)
Alison Brie (52%) defeats Kristen Bell (48%)

Rivals: Sophia Bush (1 - 0)
Kristen Bell (54%) defeats Sophia Bush (46%)

Kristen Bell vs Sophia Bush
"Despite being two years her senior, Kristen had spent the last few anxious minutes running circles around an increasingly sluggish Sophia. As the staggering brunette gingerly swept a handful of dishevelled bangs from her bulging hazel eyes, she came face-to-face with a furiously charging Bell.

With a hoarse grunt, Kristen snagged the front clasp of Sophia's frazzled bra and slung her recklessly into the near ropes. The two cups of Sophia's bra fractured in Kristen's palm as she trampolined back toward Bell, her bare sternum helplessly exposed for a brutal abdomen-splitting knee to the gut. A fleshy clap exploded as Kristen's toned thigh pierced Sophia's waistline, doubling her over at the hip.

Sophia powerlessly hunched at the waist, a stream of drool sloshing from her breathless, gaping mouth. Completely oblivious and crippled by Kristen's knee, Sophia placed a shaking palm against the canvas to remain somewhat upright, her pert C-cups bared and teardropping toward the floor. Kristen was furiously panting, her mind racing as Sophia began to drunkenly haul herself back upright, knowing this was her opportunity to clinch her first win.

With an athletic leap, Kristen craned one of her lean gams above Sophia's head and drilled her in the back of the head with a Leg Drop Bulldog. Sophia crumpled to the mat face-first as Kristen dropped into the splits, her bare breasts mushrooming against the canvas as she instantly fell deathly still. As her heart raced, Kristen flipped the unconscious brunette and hooked one of her thighs, hoisting it to her chin for a humiliating leg-hook 3-count pin".

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Kristen Bell vs. Alison Brie
"The lithe, springy Bell had stormed out of the gates, running circles around a laggy Brie. Slowly but steadily however, the tides had begun to turn. The fiesty brunette deftly snared Kristen's wrist as the blonde slung a reckless punch toward her jaw, wrenching Kristen's arm behind her back and slinging her into the far ropes with authority. Bell took the reversal in-stride, picking up steam as she sprinted toward the rubber fencing and sprung back toward a wide-eyed Brie.

Alie stood her ground with conviction as Kristen stampeded toward her like a train off its tracks, launching her toned frame into the air and attempting a high-flying Jumping Cross Body. Kristen could do no wrong early on, but as Alison found her footing in the match, her athletic supremacy really began to shine. Like she was handling a weightless one hundred five pounds, the dynamic brunette planted her back heel against the mat and caught Kristen in her leap.

Brie's knees buckled ever-so-slightly before she was able to straighten, one arm splitting Kristen's bronzed thighs as the other supported her neck. Kristen desperately pedaled her stems as she was strung up in mid-air, only for bad to go to worse. Suddenly Alie pulled the rug out from underneath a helpless Kristen, dropping to a knee and mercilessly contorting the blonde's toned frame with an Over the Knee Backbreaker.

Kristen hoarsely squealed as Alison planted one palm on the inside of her thigh and the other on her chin, awkwardly wrenching her flexing abdomen into an agonizing "C". Kristen's belly spasmed as she attempted to crane her upper body out of the paralyzing hold, her disheveled locks sweeping across the canvas as Alie continued to relentlessly arch her body in half. Her feet desperately pumped against the mat as she tried to hold out despite having Alison's knee pinned to the small of her back, eventually pattering a meek submission against Brie's hip and finally being allowed to spill to the canvas in defeat".

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Daisy Ridley vs. Kristen Bell
"The fight has advanced to the final stage at this point. Both fighters have endured a lot and their strengths are starting to flow away. Kristen is slightly wobbling on her feet, while Daisy seems to be having more stamina left. Her younger body seems to be recovering faster than Kristen’s older body. The crowd has been cheering both on and it’s still unclear who is going to come out on top. One solid hit from either of them can knock out the other.

Daisy begins to dance around Kristen, who is having trouble to keep up with the younger actress. Kristen sends out a few jabs towards Daisy, but she misses her opponent horribly and Daisy can see that Kristen has gotten tired. She knows that she has to strike now and take down the older actress. 

“Come on Kristen! Is that all you got?” Ridley tries to taunt her opponent hoping that she will become even more reckless.

Bell can’t believe how cocky the younger actress is. “Shut up cunt!”

It seems that Daisy’s tactic is starting to work, because Kristen comes at her with a jab and cross, but Ridley has no trouble dodging them and hooks Bell’s breasts from below. The blonde lets out an agonizing scream and tries to retaliate, but again her attacks end up hitting just air. Daisy can’t help but chuckle each time Bell misses her. It’s really starting to irritate the older actress that this rookie is mocking her. Kristen throws any form of strategy out the window. She goes after Ridley with everything she has left throwing punch after punch at the brunette. 

Daisy didn’t expect the frenzy from Kristen and suddenly has to defend her face. Fist after fist is hitting her arms, but none of them get passed her defense and her head remains untouched. The blonde’s assault begins to weaken and Bell’s punches become uncoordinated and start to miss their mark completely. Daisy jumps back the moment she can and lets out a sigh. She watches Kristen swing her arms in the air and her punches aren’t even coming close. 

“Looks like someone ran out of stamina.” Daisy once again mocks her opponent.

Now the younger actress moves in for the kill. She pushes Kristen against the ropes with a front kick and goes toe to toe with the blonde. Bell is still trying to hit her, but her punches mostly miss her or pack no punch. Daisy hammers her fists against Kristen’s chest flattening her breasts. The blonde does her best to ignore the pain, but Daisy is pummeling her hard and she is now hanging in the ropes. Ridley uses Bell as a punching bag and the blonde is unable to defend herself any longer or able to counter Daisy’s punches. 

Ridley wraps her arms around Bell’s head and pushes her head down while sending her knee up. Daisy’s knee smashes into Kristen’s face and Bell’s lights go out. The moment the brunette releases the blonde, Kristen goes down to the canvas like a sack of potatoes. Ridley knows that her opponent is down and out, but still she decides to kick Bell in her face shattering her nose. Daisy is quickly announced the winner of the fight, before she destroys the blonde who is out cold".

- Submission by Vitezislav

Kristen Bell vs. Jordana Brewster (Hit The Beach Match)
"Without a doubt one of the most impressive and stunning beginnings to a career belonged to Jordana Brewster. The lithe brunette was sporting an undefeated record and vaulting up the Strawweight rankings since joining the league. It seemed like a date with Fox, Brie or Decker was undoubtedly in the cards if she could avoid a slip-up against a very game Bell. Kristen hung with the athletic brunette, if only for a few moments, eventually falling victim to the leggy Brewster's number one asset. A brutal, arching toe-kick eventually caught the sputtering blonde, leaving her teetering, swaying, and eventually colapsing in a fleshy heap. Brewster made sure to add Kristen's pert B-cup bra to her growing trophy case before folding the hapless blonde into an unnecessary but appreciated matchbook pin to seal it".

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Victoria Justice vs. Kristen Bell (Skin-to-Win Match)
"Victoria Justice had admirably managed to scratch and claw herself out of the proverbial catfight cellar, leapfrogging her opponent in the standings with two wins in three recent contests. Despite her record, Kristen Bell unquestionably had held her own against some of the Strawweight elite. Starting at even-money, it was the elder Bell who had been the only fighter to show up to this jobberific contest. Despite her age, it was the younger brunette that was wilting, not Bell.

Kristen's diminutive, naked bosom glistened under the heavy overhead spotlights as she stood proudly over a bumbling Justice who was pathetically shuffling on hands and knees, completely out of sorts. Victoria's equally petite figure had been meticulously undressed by the plucky blonde; each toned, exposed muscle aching and straining as Victoria clumsily pushed to her feet with a whimper. Before the brunette could make it to equal footing, Kristen swooped in and scooped up Justice by the scalp, tucking her cranium beneath an armpit.

Victoria wailed as her frame sagged to half its height, her heels shuffling and sliding into the half-splits as Kristen kept her hunched at the waist, putting a burning pressure on her already noodly hamstrings. The brunette's slender thighs parted as Bell cruelly wrung and twisted her bent frame, wriggling a few more blubbering squeals from Victoria's pursed lips with each dig. With a wry smile, Kristen trailed her palm down Justice's naked spine, devilishly brushing her digits over the tanned hide before cupping Victoria's upturned derriere and crudely spreading her cheeks for the front few rows. The utterly humiliated brunette's knees buckled as she felt her curves and folds of flesh spread, her mouth-watering thigh gap on invasive display.

Before the brunette's muffled cries could reach a fever pitch, Bell feel backwards with all her dead weight firmly on Victoria's neck, pinning the crown of Victoria's skull against the canvas with a brain-scrambling DDT. Victoria's frame went rigid before turning into a pool of flesh, her stems awkwardly folding up beneath her spasming frame as she lulled to an unceremonious stop face down on the mat. A gentle nudge on her shoulder sent the convulsing brunette rolling to her back, her bulbs vacantly fluttering into the back of her skull. First reaching down and giving Vika's manicured mound of pubic hair a rough tug, Kristen then scooped one of her thighs and pinned it to her bosom, securing an easy leg-hook 3-count pin to end the brunette's misery".

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Victoria Justice vs. Kristen Bell (Skin-to-Win Match)
"For once it seems that Victoria Justice isn't trying to cheat her way to victory. The long-legged brunette, for the first time in months, isn't accompanied by her blonde teammate Taylor Swift. She has, however, continued her tradition of trash talking and demeaning her older opponent with a torrent of insults during the pre-fight press conference. The fight has been pretty even so far -- both women are stripped down to their skimpy thongs and bras -- and Kristen Bell, despite her age, is keeping up with the younger brunette.

Wiping strands of sweaty hair from her face, the half-naked Justice snaps her long slender leg forward in a malice attempt to low blow Kristen, but the short blonde easily catches Victoria's foot. "What we're you trying to do? Trying to kick my pussy?" Kristen smirks as she holds Justice's long leg, forcing Victoria to hop on one foot. "No, no, no. I would never do that to you. Please let me go." Justice begs. "Well that's a relief because it probably would've felt..." Kristen trails off. Still lifting Victoria's leg up, Bell drives the the top of her barefoot into Justice's crotch 5 times before releasing her ankle. "like that!" Kristen finishes, giggling as Victoria sinks to her knees. The tan brunette's eyes well with tears as she slumps forward. The thin covering of her skimpy thong provided virtually no protection from the devastating blows. She cups her pounding womanhood and is unable to prevent Kristen from ripping her bra off as she lets out a deep sob.

Just then, Bad Blood blares through the arena and a scowling Taylor Swift stomps down the ramp. The leggy blonde climbs onto the ring apron and tosses a pair of handcuffs to Victoria. The referee immediately sets upon the long-legged Pop Queen and forces her to return to the back. Victoria snags the handcuffs and successfully cuffs Bell's wrists in front of her body. To Justice's astonishment, the blonde beams, "Oooh, I knew you liked to get kinky!" Kristin loops her wrists over Victoria's head, pulling her in for a make out session. Justice escapes Kristin's cuffed clutches but is unable to prevent her face getting blasted by the blonde's swinging fists. Victoria falls onto her back and is knocked sensless as Bell rises up, takes a bobby pin out of her hair and unlocks the cuffs. Kristin peels down Victoria's panties, unveiling the brunette's sun-kissed, silky-smooth pussy. Kristin skips over and plants her thinly-vieled crotch ontop of Victoria's nose. The short blonde reaches back, scooping up her opponent's long, kicking legs. Kristin grinds down on her foe's shocked features as the ref performs a 3-count. The petite blonde celebrates her victory by grinding out a long and powerful orgasm, drenching Victoria's sobbing features with her juices".

- Submission by jdo90

Alison Brie vs. Kristen Bell (Buck Naked Beauties Title Match)
"This match type was as much mental as it was physical; a true test of which of these modest beauties could overcome the added humiliation and doubts and put the nudity aspect completely aside. At least early on, the elder Kristen Bell seemed to be more adept at blocking out the chilling cat-calls from outside the ropes, dropping her armbra and instead throwing everything she had at the paralyzed, shielding Brie. The diminutive, glistening blonde was in a full-out assault, pinning Alison's bowing spine to the ropes and slugging away at her naked, jiggling torso. Brie could do little more than pull cover, one hand desperately cupping and shielding her exposed kitty, while the other pawed meekly at Bell's heavy handed attacks. Breathtaking fists to the gut, crippling uppercuts to Alison's bouncing bosom, thumping elbows to her hanging chin, and just minutes in it seemed that Brie's inability to overcome the stakes of this fight would cost her what should have been an easy win. With the top Strawweight contender backed into a shrinking corner, Bell retreated a half step and went for the hail mary, slinging a gutting roundhouse toward Brie's midsection. The flying shin was met with a meaty thwack as a flip suddenly flipped in Alison, dropping her guard and instead catching Bell's stem against her rib cage. Modesty and cover be damned, Brie darted forward and scooped Bell up by the throat, keeping her trapped shin stapled to her hip with one arm and cinching a fleshy noose around the blonde's neck with her second. Kristen gurgled helplessly as her naked frame was arched to full height, her tippy toes pedaling as she was lifted artfully off the mat and deposited spine-first with a crippling One-Handed Chokeslam. A sickening jolt ran through Bell's motionless frame as her skull whipped against the canvas, knocking her out and sending her body sprawling spread eagle. Basking in the cheers of victory, Brie was radiant as she finally embraced the invasive nudity and flaunted it, proudly puffing out her prize-winning chest and planting a heel on the downed Bell's glistening, plump mound for a 3-count."

- Submisson by Taylor Hawkins

Keira Knightley vs. Kristen Bell (Skin-to-Win Match)
"Despite nearly-mirrored records, the baffled viewers might have thought they were witnessing a Strawweight versus Bantamweight squash match the way Kristen Bell had dissected the lanky Brit opposite her. Keira audaciously stammered back to her feet, wobbling on her heels after a dizzying Airplane Spin and Sitout Slam left her shaky and bewildered. Her slender, gangly frame drifted half a dozen drunken steps before finally stabilizing, already stripped completely buck naked aside from a single ragged sock clinging to her right heel. The brunette's head hung low as she meekly shielded her bushy mound and perky A-cups with both arms; a flustered, pouty whimper slipping from her lips in place of the endless trash-talk and taunts that flowed early in the fight.

Kristen's outfit had remained bulletproof, still safely clinging to her tiny frame aside from a few tattered scrapes and tears. With a sudden, breezy rush that once again shocked the brunette, Kristen crow-hopped forward and scooped up Knightley by the waist; twisting both arms around her hips and lifting her parallel to the ground.

Keira's long, slender stems pedaled and kicked with desperation as Bell struck a domineering pose, savoring every pathetic whimper and blubber from the Brit. Then, lifting to her tippy toes, Kristen craned Keira's gawky, squirming frame and drove her curled spine through the canvas below with a gutting Sidewalk Slam, flattening Knightley's already delicate abdomen. Keira's slender back arched off the canvas as her mouth fell agape, hoarsely gagging and whimpering for oxygen, only her compressed lungs wouldn't hold a single breath. Her modest bosom quaked and sputtered with spasms as all four limbs weightily slid to the mat, sprawled on her back as Kristen hunched down and scooped the back of her right leg.

First peeling the sheer, black sock off her heel, Kristen then yanked Knightley's pendulous stem as high as it would stretch, tucking it against her sternum, revealingly splitting her slender thighs to display her plump, pink lips and bubbly, upturned ass. Keira's frame jostled with panting heaves as Bell applied the pin, stuffing Keira's sweaty sock into her mouth to finally shut the Brit up as the 3-count rumbled, ending Knightley's nightmare."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins


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