Natalie Alyn Lind

Age: 20
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120 lbs
Bust: 32C
Hometown: Ontario, Canada

Record: 1 - 1
Wins: Natalie Alyn Lind (57%) defeats Hailee Steinfeld (43%)
Losses: Ariel Winter (58%) defeats Natalie Alyn Lind (42%)

Rivals: N/A

Tag Record: 2 - 0
Wins: Winter/Lind (54%) defeats Coleman/Steinfeld (46%)
Winter/Lind (69%) defeats Watson/Stewart (31%)
Losses: N/A

Ariel Winter vs. Natalie Alyn Lind
"Ariel Winter and Natalie Alyn Lind both joined Strahovski's Angels and one would expect them to be friends. However last week proved that these two young busty celebrities are bitter rivals. The press conference that Yvonne Strahovski organized to introduce the two new fighters turned into a mess real fast.

Ariel and Natalie went at each other during the press conference almost resulting into a fight. Ariel and Natalie thrusted their breasts against one another and some harsh words were said during the press conference. Ariel and Natalie agreed that the loser would become the winner's slave for an entire week.

The night of the fight has finally arrived and Ariel Winter is the first one to enter the arena. The busty brunette confidently walks down towards the ring and eagerly shows off her amazing body. Ariel is wearing a black bikini top and black bikini bottoms. Her ass and breasts perfectly fit inside her attire and look even bigger.

Ariel slides through the ropes into the ring and walks around the ring. She keeps showing off her body to her fans and Yvonne Strahovski, who is inside the ring as the referee of this match. Ariel knows that Yvonne has a thing for Natalie, but the brunette knows that she is better in every aspect.

"I am going to fuck up your blonde little slut." Ariel says with a cocky voice towards Yvonne.

Yvonne simply smiles at Ariel, because she is neutral in this conflict. The mature Aussie doesn't care which one of her protégés wins the fight. She already knows that both of them are future champions. Yvonne looks away from Ariel, because Ariel's rival enters the arena.

Natalie Alyn Lind enters the arena and greets her fans. The busty young blonde is wearing a white bikini top and white bikini bottom. She grabs her boobs and pushes them together for her fans. Tonight she is going to show everyone that her boobs are the best and that she is sexually stronger than Ariel Winter.

Natalie smiles at Yvonne and gives Ariel a nasty sneer. The busty blonde slips into the ring and sensually walks towards the two other women inside of the ring. Natalie gives Yvonne's ass a hard slap, before turning her attention to Ariel.

"I am going to fuck you up whore and make you my bitch!" Natalie hisses at Ariel.

"I am so going to enjoy having you as my slave for an entire week. Your face will be between my ass cheeks most of the time!" Ariel sneers at the blonde.

Yvonne steps between the two fighters and pushes them away from another. The mature Aussie looks down at both petite fighters and begins to explain the very simple rules of this match. "You two will keep fighting until one of you two submits to the other. You girls can decide how you want to try and make your opponent submit, but knockouts won't count." Yvonne says with a big smile on her face.

Ariel and Natalie confidently smile at each other and the moment Yvonne gives them the signal, they rush at each other. Their large breasts smashing against one another. Natalie thrusts her boobs hard into Ariel's boobs and the brunette counters by slamming her tits full frontal into Natalie's boobs.

Black and white clash with one another over and over again. The two young busty women try to overpower the other's rack, but so far neither pair is giving in to the other. Ariel and Natalie grunt and groan like wild animals, as their battle gets rough quickly. Both women are showing everyone that they aren't friends at all.

Ariel is the first to grab Natalie's hair and begins to trash the blonde's head from side to side. Natalie doesn't idly wait for the brunette to trash her and grabs Ariel's hair. The blonde roughly yanks on Ariel's hair and the two women scream in pain and anger. Their massive breasts are still battling for dominance, as they keep smashing them into one another.

Ariel is slowly moving them towards the ropes. She keeps thrusting her larger boobs into Natalie's slightly smaller boobs. She can feel the blonde roughly yanking her head from side to side, but she is doing the same to Natalie. Ariel suddenly releases Natalie's hair and pushes the blonde into the ropes.

Natalie's back hits the ropes and before she is able to move away, Ariel pushes her body into hers. Natalie lets out a groan when Ariel smashes their tits together. The brunette is taking control of the fight and Natalie needs to defend herself. Natalie lets out an even louder groan when Ariel slams her boobs down on top of her divine twins.

Ariel grabs the top rope behind Natalie and keeps thrusting her boobs into Natalie's slightly smaller breasts. Their bikini tops are barely able to contain the two divine pairs. Ariel drags her boobs up Natalie's tits and smashes her divine twins down hard on top of Natalie's tits. Ariel smiles when Natalie lets out a painful cry.

Natalie places her hands on Ariel's hips and joins the titfight. Natalie lifts her tits up high into the air and smashes them down on top of Ariel's breasts without mercy. The busty brunette lets out a loud cry and her tits shake in her chest. Natalie leans back in the ropes and uses them to propel her boobs forward slamming them hard into Ariel's tits.

Ariel didn't expect Natalie to turn things around and use the ropes to her advantage. Ariel is still holding onto the top rope behind Natalie and instead should just release it. The blonde is bouncing back and forth using the ropes to propel her. Ariel's massive tits are taking a hard beating from Natalie's impressive pair.

Natalie can sense that their battle is turning around in her favor. She keeps bashing her tits into Ariel's tits. The brunette doesn't want to give up her position, but Natalie is making it near impossible for her to hold onto the top rope. Natalie leans back into the ropes and slams her tits hard into Ariel's boobs causing the brunette to stumble backwards this time releasing the top rope.

Natalie pushes forward slamming her tits into Ariel's breasts and the brunette was already unbalanced from her previous attack. Natalie watches Ariel stumble backwards and the brunette falls down on her ass. The blonde lunges forward letting herself drop down on top of the brunette. Natalie tries to grab Ariel's wrists, but the brunette moves her arms around to prevent that.

Natalie slams her tits on top of Ariel's boobs, but she isn't getting the hold that she wants. Ariel moves her body around underneath the blonde and manages to roll them both over. Ariel ends up on top of Natalie and grabs the blonde's wrists. She quickly pins them down against the canvas and begins to hammer her larger and heavier boobs down on top of Natalie's breasts.

"Get off me you fucking COW!" Natalie hisses at Ariel.

Ariel laughs at Natalie and smashes her twins down hard against Natalie's boobs. The blonde lets out a loud groan and tries to move around on the canvas. Ariel however is keeping Natalie's arms pinned against the floor and keeps smashing her divine pair down on top of Natalie's tits.

"Awww does my little blonde bitch can't handle my superior boobs?" Ariel mocks Natalie. "There is nothing superior about your fat udders!" Natalie cries out in agony.

"It seems I will have to teach you some fucking manners!" Ariel sneers at Natalie.

Ariel pushes her large breasts down on top of Natalie's tits. She hooks her legs around Natalie's legs and spreads their legs wide open. She has the blonde completely pinned down against the canvas now. Ariel increases the pressure on their boobs trying to flatten Natalie's boobs.

Natalie does her best to push her chest out to prevent Ariel from flattening her boobs, but it's hard being on the bottom and pinned down. She can feel the pressure increasing and increasing, as Ariel uses her entire weight to flatten her boobs. Their breasts are getting coated in sweat and the constant grinding is slowly moving their bikini tops to the side. After a minute their bikini tops slide to the sides of their boobs and now their naked breasts are battling for dominance.

Natalie manages to free one of her arms and roughly slaps Ariel across the face. The brunette lets out a loud scream and the blonde rolls them both over. Now it's Natalie's turn again to slam her tits down on top of Ariel's boobs. "Let me show real divine breasts!" Natalie sneers at Ariel.

Natalie pushes Ariel's arms down against the canvas and lifts her chest up into the air. She smashes her tits down hard against Ariel's naked boobs. Their erect nipples clash trying to pierce one another. Both busty women lets out a loud moan, as their sensitive nipples rub against one another.

Ariel thrusts her pussy upwards making contact with Natalie's pussy. Their bikini bottoms are still in the way, but both women still feel the sexual sensation running through their bodies. Ariel might be on the bottom, but she is still able to fight back and increases the tension between them.

Natalie feels her pussy getting wet, but she tries to focus on crushing Ariel's boobs. She slams her tits down hard, but Ariel's naked twins aren't giving in yet. They keep their firm shape, even though Natalie is putting a lot of effort into crushing them.

"Goddamn why won't your fat udders just break!" Natalie cries out annoyed.

Natalie smashes her boobs back down on top of Ariel's boobs and this time tries to use brute force to flatten Ariel's twins. She uses all her weight to try and crush the tits below her, but Ariel's proud pair remain firm holding Natalie's tits at bay.

Ariel waits for Natalie to get even more annoyed and when the blonde slightly loses her balance, she rolls them over and pins the blonde back down against the ground. Natalie squirms under Ariel, but for now Ariel's grip is too solid.

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" Natalie screams out in anger.

Natalie trashes her legs around and tries to move her arms, but Ariel is keeping her arms pinned. The brunette moves between Natalie's trashing legs and begins to rub her bikini bottom covered pussy against Natalie's bikini bottom covered pussy.

Ariel's boobs are resting on top of Natalie's breasts. The brunette is grinding her naked breasts down on top of Natalie's naked tits. The blonde is groaning and moaning under Ariel, who is quickly taking control over the fight. She begins to thrust her pussy hard into Natalie's pussy.

"You like that whore? Can you feel my girls dominate yours?" Ariel taunts the squirming blonde.

Natalie can indeed feel her girls giving in to Ariel's larger and heavier pair. She should be screaming in pain, but instead she is moaning in pleasure, as her pussy gets stimulated by Ariel's pussy. The brunette is dominating her boobs and pussy at the same time. She can't believe that this is happening. Natalie looks at her breasts and notices that her tits are being flattened.

"NO FUCKING WAY!!! GET THEM OFF!!! GET YOUR FAT COW UDDERS OFF MY GIRLS!!!" Natalie screams out in panic.

"What's the matter blonde bitch? Are your girls not strong enough?" Ariel mocks her rival Natalie.

Ariel looks down at her amazing boobs and watches them flatten Natalie's proud pair. The blonde's cries out in humiliation, as her girls finally give in to Ariel's superior twins. Ariel smirks at the blonde, who is now sobbing and whimpering. Ariel has managed to destroy Natalie's boobs, but the fight isn't over yet. She needs to make Natalie submit, but she doesn't want the blonde to submit just yet.

Ariel drags her breasts over Natalie's flattened girls and drops her sweaty boobs onto the blonde's face. Natalie squirms between her divine tits, but the blonde can't stop her. Ariel wraps her arms around Natalie's head releasing the blonde's wrists. Natalie however is unable to do anything and Ariel begins to smother out the blonde.

"Take it all in Natalie! Smell my dominant scent!" Ariel moans out loving the sensation of another woman's face between her breasts.

Ariel can hear Natalie's meekly moan between her divine twins. She forces the blonde's face even deeper between her sweaty boobs making sure that her entire face is engulfed. The sweat helps to create a perfect seal and Natalie's nose is pressed flat against Ariel's skin. Ariel can feel Natalie's hot breath against her skin causing her boobs to sweat even more.

Yvonne closely watches Natalie's body wanting to declare Ariel the winner the moment Natalie passes out between Ariel's divine breasts. The blonde's body squirms for nearly a minute, before finally going limp. Yvonne wants to grab Ariel's arm and announce the winner of the fight, but the busty brunette isn't done yet.

"She didn't submit, so back off!" Ariel sneers at Yvonne and the Aussie moves away.

Ariel releases Natalie's head and slowly lifts her sweaty boobs off the blonde's face. Natalie's entire face is covered in sweat and the blonde's eyes are closed. Ariel stands up and strips Natalie naked. She holds Natalie's bikini top and bottom in her left hand. With her right hand she grabs the blonde's long hair and drags her towards the turnbuckle in her corner.

Ariel places Natalie's legs on the middle ropes, while wrapping Natalie's arms around the turnbuckle between the middle and top ropes. She uses Natalie's bikini top to tie the blonde's arms together. Ariel removes her own bikini top and wraps it around Natalie's wrists making sure that the blonde won't be able to escape.

Ariel balls up Natalie's bikini bottom and pushes it into Natalie's pussy. She leaves a bit of fabric hanging out of the blonde's cxnt, so that she can remove it when the time comes. She stands behind the blonde and pushes her breasts into Natalie's back. Her right hand reaches around the blonde's body and begins to caress Natalie's clit.

After a while the blonde begins to weakly moan, as she is slowly regaining her consciousness. Ariel is expertly working her clit and Ariel's left hand moves to Natalie's mouth. The brunette covers Natalie's mouth with her left hand making sure that Natalie can't suddenly cry out her submission.

Natalie's eyes open and the first thing she sees is Ariel's fans cheering Ariel on. It doesn't take long for her to realize what is happening. Ariel's hand is covering her mouth making it impossible for anyone to hear what she might be saying and her clit is being rubbed vigorously. Natalie also notices that something is stuffed inside of her pussy, but she is unable to figure out what.

Ariel can hear that Natalie's moans are becoming louder, but her hand is muffling the moans, so that only she can pretty much hear them. The crowd is cheering loudly and it would be impossible for Yvonne to hear anything coming from Natalie's mouth.

"You are not going to submit until I allow you to submit my little slave bitch." Ariel whispers into Natalie's ear.

Natalie tries to move her arms, but Ariel has expertly tied them together and the turnbuckle and ropes are keeping her arms in place. Natalie moans into Ariel's mouth and she can feel her pussy getting soaking wet. Her clit is being constantly stimulated by Ariel's fingers and it's starting to drive her insane.

 "Ahhmmm... hmmmm... aaaaaa..." Natalie cries out in pleasure.

Ariel begins to rub her bikini covered pussy against Natalie's ass and her massive boobs are rubbing against the blonde's naked sweaty back. Ariel moans into Natalie's right ear, while her fingers expertly work over the blonde's engorged clit. She can feel that Natalie's pussy is getting soaking wet and Natalie's bikini bottom is soaking up all the juices.

"You are so wet my little slave." Ariel teases into Natalie's ear.

Ariel rubs Natalie's clit faster and faster making the blonde squirm against the turnbuckle and on the ropes. Ariel already has the bound blonde close to her first orgasm. Ariel knows exactly how to pleasure a woman's clit and Natalie is experiencing how amazing Ariel is.

Ariel eagerly fiddles with Natalie's engorged clit and the blonde is beginning to moan louder and more frequently into her hand. Ariel presses her hand tighter against Natalie's mouth and begins to hump Natalie's ass. Ariel's bikini bottom is getting wet, because Ariel is providing her own stimulation.

"You are close to having an orgasm aren't you? My dirty blonde little anal bitch is about to cum isn't she? My fingers on your clit are driving you insane aren't they?" Ariel moans into Natalie's ear.

All Natalie can do is moan in response. Her pussy has gotten dripping wet, but her pussy isn't dripping any juices onto the ground. Something inside of her pussy is soaking up all her sweet nectar and she can sense that her body is tensing up. Her pussy is quivering and getting ready to squirt a massive amount of nectar.

Ariel rubs Natalie's clit harder and faster, because she can sense that Natalie is about to erupt. This is only the first of many orgasms that she is going to force out of the blonde. Natalie isn't fighting back at all and Ariel can do whatever she wants with the blonde. Natalie's fingers move Natalie's clit around and the blonde can no longer take it.

Natalie screams loudly into Ariel's hand, but no one except Ariel can hear her screaming. Natalie's pussy begins to squirt hard and most of the nectar gets soaked up by fabric inside of her pussy. The rest of her nectar leaks out of her pussy dripping onto the ground. Yvonne and the crowd can see that Natalie is having a massive orgasm.

Ariel stops rubbing Natalie's clit and squats down behind the tied up blonde. She waits for Natalie to stop squirting and grabs the wet string that is sticking out of Natalie's pussy. She slowly pulls Natalie's cum soaked bikini bottom out of the blonde's pussy.

Ariel stands up and shows the cum soaked bikini bottom to everyone in the crowd. She moves the cum soaked bottoms to Natalie's face and rubs it all across the blonde face smearing some of the juices onto Natalie's face. Ariel balls up the bottoms and stuffs it into Natalie's mouth.

The blonde meekly protests, as her mouth gets stuffed with her own cum soaked bikini bottom. Natalie instantly tastes her own juices and she moans into the cum soaked bikini bottom. The bikini bottom is preventing her from crying out her submission and she will have to endure even more punishment.

"I hope you are enjoying the taste of your pussy, my little anal bitch." Ariel giggles into Natalie's ear.

"Ahhmmm... aammmm... ahhhhhh..." Natalie moans out. "I bet your bikini bottom tastes amazing with your juices all soaked up in it." Ariel mocks the blonde.

Ariel squats back down behind Natalie and runs her fingers across Natalie's labia. Ariel watches the blonde shiver in pleasure from her gentle touch. Ariel however isn't planning on being gentle for long. She slowly begins to work her fist into Natalie's pussy and the blonde begins to scream into her cum soaked bikini bottom.

Ariel twists her hand around inside of Natalie's pussy stretching out the blonde's cxnt. The blonde's eyes are wide open and she screams as loud as possible, but the cum soaked bikini bottoms are muffling her cries of pain and pleasure. Ariel keeps working her fist further and further into Natalie's pussy.

Ariel begins to pump her fist in and out of Natalie's stretched out pussy and with every thrust she forces more of her forearm inside of the blonde. Natalie clamps onto the turnbuckle, as her insides are being reorganized by Ariel's fist and arm. The crowd is loving the show that Ariel is putting on for them and Yvonne is getting soaking wet herself.

Yvonne should be watching for Natalie's submission, but instead she is rubbing her own pussy, while watching Ariel break down Natalie. Yvonne pulls her own bikini bottom to the right side and slides three fingers into her wet snatch.

"I am destroying your pussy Natalie! I am fucking destroying it with my fist!" Ariel roars out.

Ariel speeds up her fisting wanting to utterly destroy Natalie's pussy. The blonde's pussy is making loud wet noises and Ariel recognizes the noises. The blonde will soon squirt again for her and this time, she will unleash the floodgates.

Ariel's arm is turning into a blur, as she fist fucks her blonde rival. She is making Natalie scream at the top of her lunges and the blonde is pushed closer and closer to another orgasm. Ariel will be able to enjoy Natalie's body for an entire week. She is already making plans inside of her head, while fisting the fuck out of the blonde.

Natalie's eyes are rolling into the back of her head and her pussy clenches down hard on Ariel's arm. She can't believe that Ariel is humiliating her like this, but she can't do anything to prevent it. She starts to scream loudly into her cum soaked bikini bottom, while her pussy begins to squirt all around Ariel's fist.

Ariel pulls her fist out of Natalie's pussy and the blonde squirts a massive amount of juices all over the canvas. Ariel stands up and shakes her arm causing Natalie's juices to fly off her arm and onto the blonde's back and hair. She watches Natalie's entire body shake from the insane orgasm and the blonde nearly squirts for an entire minute, before her pussy finally stops squirting like a fountain.

Ariel unties Natalie's arms and wrists and pulls the blonde back by the hair. Natalie crashes onto her back on the canvas. Ariel rolls her over onto all fours and pulls Natalie's cum soaked bikini bottom out of her mouth.

"Feel free to surrender now." Ariel says with a dominant voice and starts to spank Natalie's naked ass.

Ariel's hand comes crashing down against Natalie's bare bottom and the blonde screams in pain and humiliation. The blonde is sobbing loudly and the crowd is cheering Ariel on. Another hard slap from the brunette, causes a moan to escape from Natalie's mouth. The blonde is starting to enjoy the punishment.

"Please... ahhhmmm... please..." Natalie sobs out.

"Please what slave?" Ariel says spanking Natalie's ass.

"I submit! Please no more! I submit!" Natalie screams out.

Yvonne pulls her fingers out of her pussy, before she is able to have an orgasm. She walks over to Ariel and Natalie and puts her soaking wet fingers into Natalie's mouth. The busty young blonde eagerly sucks of the juices from Yvonne's hand and once she is done cleaning them, Yvonne pulls her fingers out of Natalie's mouth.

"You heard it ladies and gentlemen. Natalie Alyn Lind cried out her submission like a little bitch and she is now Ariel Winter's slave for an entire week!" Yvonne shouts out declaring Ariel the winner of the fight.

Ariel gives Natalie's ass another hard slap and admires Natalie's bright red ass for a few seconds. She is going to have so much fun with it the coming week. Ariel grabs Natalie's hair and wraps it around her hair. Ariel begins to walks towards her corner with Natalie crawling behind. Ariel slips through the ropes out of the ring and pulls Natalie through them.

"Feel free to join us Yvonne, I have two big strap-on cocks waiting to be used on this little bitch." Ariel says smiling at Yvonne and heads to her locker room with the Natalie crawling behind her".

- Submission by Vitezislav

Hailee Steinfeld vs. Natalie Alyn Lind (Oil Wrestling Match)
"Give up yet?" Natalie casually asked Hailee Steinfeld as she poured on even more pressure. Hailee knew she was in dire straits and her opponent's incessant taunting was not making her situation any better. Steinfeld, on paper, had every advantage over her blonde opponent. Hailee was taller, heavier and a few years older than her opponent; but, what Natalie lacked in height and weight she more than made up for in bust. The young blonde, despite her short, slender frame, possessed a modest set of breasts and she used that to her advantage by wrapping Hailee up in a tight bearhug.

The crowd roared with excitement at Natalie crushed her slightly older, slightly taller, slightly heavier opponent in her arms. Both women were topless, only wearing skimpy bikini bottoms, their bikini tops ripped off by each other within minutes of the opening bell, and now, with Natalie's arms wrapped around Hailee's back, their naked, oiled-soaked tits were smashed against each other. Natalie's C cup breasts easily engulfed Steinfeld's smaller B cups, painfully pushing them against her chest and driving air from her lungs. Hailee could only breathlessly gasp in response to her opponent's antagonizing taunts, signaling to Natalie that the brunette was done for.

Natalie, with a grunt of exertion, squats down and, still crushing her opponent in her arms, lifts Hailee up and slams her back down with a belly-to-belly (and tits-to-tits) slam! Oil rose up and splattered from the impact as Hailee landed back-first on the slippery canvas of the ring, causing drops of oil to rain down on their half naked bodies. Steinfeld's limbs twitched and slid wide-open as her head lulled to the side, her eyes tightly shut and a grimace of pain etched on her face. Natalie mounted her opponent's waist, leaned down and pinned her slick tits against Hailee's uncomprehending features, pinning her for a humiliating 3-count".

- Submission by jdo90

Ariel Winter/Natalie Alyn Lind vs. Zendaya Coleman/Hailee Steinfeld
"It's easy to see why the league is considered to be in good hands with the way these youngsters bared their claws tonight. Four of the youngest fighters in the Celebrity Wrestling Federation squared off in this match, and in keeping with the audacious reputation of their generation, the battle royal ended with all four ladies throwing caution (and rules) to the wind and entering the ring all at once. There were ten times as many insults and slaps thrown as technical throws and punches, but the sold-out crowd was treated to another lascivious display as the curvy pairing of Winter and Lind outlasted their greener counterparts. It was tough to find the bodies through the littering of bras and other tattered items of clothing, but in the end it was Winter who towered above the other downed fighters, snaking her forearm around a buck naked Hailee Steinfeld and rendering the blubbering brunette incapacitated with a relentless Rear Naked Choke. It might be time to start taking Ariel Winter more seriously."

- Submission by Taylor Hawkins

Ariel Winter/Natalie Alyn Lind vs. Emma Watson/Kristen Stewart
"Ariel Winter and Natalie Alyn Lind won their first tag fight match together and it seems like the two young hot heads have put their difference beside them. Ariel and Natalie fought each other in their first match ever in the CWF with Ariel taking the win. Yvonne Strahovski has been working a lot together with the two young busty warriors and it seems it's all paying off. Yvonne doesn't know that Ariel and Natalie are working so well together, because at one point they want to take on Yvonne and Kate. Tonight they are facing Emma Watson and Kristen Stewart. Ariel and Natalie have heard rumors that their two opponents don't see eye to eye and this could be an interesting match.

Emma Watson and Kristen Stewart won their first tag team match as well and they showed no disagreements at all during their match. They destroyed Taylor Swift and Victoria Justice in a very one sided match. Emma is one of the strongest fighter in her division and they are ready to take on their two busty adversaries. They also heard the rumors that their might be some disagreements between them and they are trying to show everyone that everything is fine between them. Emma and Kristen are waiting in their locker room and they are going over their tactic. Emma wants to start, but Kristen also wants to start in the ring. She is eager to show everyone that she is just as good as Emma. Her partner is the champion in the Strawweight division, while she is somewhere near the bottom of the Flyweight division. However her and Natalie have the same fight record so far, but claiming a victory and a defeat.

Ariel and Natalie are the first ones to be called into the arena and the two busty young fighters confidently walk towards the ring. Their large breasts bounce up and down and their black bikini tops can barely contain them. Ariel and Natalie wave at their fans and they smile at each other. They have a common goal now and they are determined to crush everyone that gets in their way. Ariel climbs into the ring and helps Natalie enter the ring as well. The two busty fighters hang in the ropes on their side of the ring and wait for their opponents to arrive.

Emma and Kristen are called in next and the two aren't looking too happy. They haven't decided who will be inside of the ring and who will be outside waiting to be tagged in. The crowd is cheering Emma's name and the look on Kristen's face is saying more than a thousand words. She is clearly hating all the love Emma is receiving, while the crowd hardly chants her name. The two enter the ring at the same time and head towards the center of the ring. Emma and Kristen are bumping their shoulders against one another trying to make the other go outside of the ring.

The referee calls Ariel and Natalie over to the center, where Emma and Kristen are already waiting. The two busty fighters confidently walk towards their opponents and once everyone is gathered around the referee, she begins to explain the rules. If you make your opponent cum or submit, she is out of the match. Make both opponents cum or submit and you win the fight. Only one fighter of each team is allowed to be inside of the ring, so if you are tagged out, you have to leave the ring immediately. You are not allowed to double team your opponent.

The referee finishes explaining the rules and asks both teams who will be starting inside of the ring. Ariel tells the referee that she will be starting inside of the ring and both Emma and Kristen tell the referee that they will be starting. The referee shakes her head and tells Emma and Kristen that they have to decide who starts within the next 10 seconds or she will pick one. Emma and Kristen argue the next 10 seconds and the referee steps in. She picks Kristen to start inside of the ring and orders Emma to leave. Emma gives the referee a nasty glare and steps out of the ring waiting in their corner for Kristen to tag her in. Natalie already left the ring and the referee can finally start the fight.

Ariel and Kristen face each other inside of the ring and the bell rings. The fight is underway and Ariel makes the first move. She grapples Kristen pulling her towards her. Both are holding each other's shoulders and test the other's strength. Kristen tries to push Ariel back, but instead the busty raven haired warrior is pushing her back. Ariel is making sure that she isn't pushing Kristen towards Emma, but is pushing Kristen to a neutral area of the ropes. Kristen's back hits the ropes and Ariel hears her opponent letting out a grunt.

Ariel pushes her busty frame against Kristen's body and the ropes behind Kristen begin to bend. Kristen pushes back, but she is unable to move Ariel. The busty raven-haired warrior chuckles a bit hearing and feeling Kristen squirm against her body. Ariel grabs Kristen's wrists and suddenly moves back a few steps pulling Kristen with her and she rolls backwards flipping Kristen over her. Her opponent hits the canvas hard and Ariel uses her momentum to roll onto her hands and knees. She turns around and crawls over to Kristen. Her opponent tries to escape, but she manages to snatch her ankles. Ariel pulls Kristen towards her and gets on top of her opponent.

Kristen watches Ariel's curvy body crawl on top of hers and she feels Ariel's massive breasts pressing down on her tiny tits. Kristen attempts to grab Ariel's head, but her opponent is fast and snatches her wrists in the air. Kristen struggles against Ariel and tries to prevent her arms from being pinned down against the canvas, but Ariel is proving to be stronger than her. She feels her arms hit the canvas and she can't get them off the canvas. She looks up at Ariel, who is smiling down at her.

Ariel slides further up Kristen's body and brings her large breasts above her opponent's face. Ariel wants to go for a quick breast smother finish. Kristen sees Ariel's impressive twins move above her face and she notices the rock hard nipples in the black bikini top. So far she has been unable to remove Ariel from her by force, but she knows a few dirty tricks that might work. Kristen moves her head up, before Ariel can apply the smother and she bites down hard on Ariel's right nipple.

Ariel screams in pain and rolls off Kristen. She rubs her sore nipple and glares angrily at Kristen. Her opponent chuckles a bit and licks her lips to taunt her. Ariel gets down on all fours and faces Kristen. The two fights are staring at each other and begin to circle each other on all fours. Ariel rapidly shuffles forward and the two raise their chests causing them to clash. The two begin to grapple for control and their bodies are pressed together. Their bodies move from side to side and they are moving towards Emma.

Emma sees her partner getting closer and closer to her and she extends her arm. Kristen has been struggling with Ariel so far and she wants to help her partner. Kristen notices that Emma wants to be tagged in, but she ignores her. Kristen flexes her arms and begins to push Ariel towards Natalie instead. Emma was so close to tagging herself in, but now Kristen and Ariel are moving away from her.

Ariel and Kristen go down to the ground and they end up on their sides. Ariel attempts to throw her leg over Kristen's body, but Kristen moves away on the canvas. Kristen has her legs away from Ariel and her head is closest to her opponent. Kristen is attempting to move above Ariel, but Ariel rolls them both around towards Natalie. Kristen doesn't notice the danger and still attempt to get above Ariel.

Ariel and Kristen move in range of Natalie and Ariel reaches for Natalie's extended hand. Natalie gets tagged in and the referee tells Ariel and Kristen to break up. Ariel rolls out of the ring, while Natalie jumps through the ropes and lands on top of Kristen. Natalie tries to gain control, but Kristen rolls onto her stomach and tries to crawl away. Natalie pounces on top of Kristen's back and sits down on her back.

"You just made a big mistake slut!" Natalie taunts her opponent.

Natalie grabs the back string of Kristen's white bikini top and untangles the strings that hold Kristen's bikini top in place. Kristen begins to squirm under Natalie and she throws her arms back trying to hit the busty blonde, but her bikini top gets removed by the blonde anyway. Kristen begins to blush and her face turns red, as she watches her bikini top fly towards the audience.

"How about we show everyone your tiny tiddies?" Natalie chuckles out.

The blonde grabs Kristen's arms and pulls them back. She places her feet on the canvas and sits down on Kristen's ass. Natalie places her opponent's arms between her thighs and body. She has Kristen's arms trapped now and her owns arms and hands are free to make the next move. She grabs the hair in front of her and yanks on it hard. She soon has the tiny tits of her opponent on full display for the audience. Her left hand slides under Kirsten's chin, while she keeps her right hand entangled in the dark colored hair.

Kristen screams in pain, as her spine is being bend and her breasts are on full display for everyone in front of her. The blonde sitting on her ass is toying with her and she feels the strain on her muscles. Her face is starting to turn red and she feels ashamed that everyone can see her naked boobs. She tries to move her arms, but Natalie has them trapped and she can't move them at all. She is weakly flapping her hands around trying to slap the dominant blonde.

Natalie releases Kristen's hair and brings her right hand in front of her opponent. She gives the small tiddies a few harsh slaps and chuckles loudly. Natalie loves humiliating girls with smaller breasts and the crowd is clearly enjoying it. They are chanting her name, while she tortures Kristen. Natalie grabs one of the rock hard nipples and painfully twists it around causing Kristen to scream in pain.

"Do you want to tap out slut?" Natalie asks after a minute.

"Fuck you bitch!" Kristen shouts out defiantly.

Natalie releases Kristen from her camel clutch and lifts her up into the air. She throws Kristen towards Emma and the brunette hits the canvas hard. Natalie watches Kristen bounce once on the canvas and she is in range to tag Emma in. Emma extends her arm and tries to tag herself in, but Kristen rolls away from Emma and faces Natalie. Kristen gets on her feet, but she is too slow. Natalie rushes over and clotheslines Kristen back to the ground. The brunette drops down hard against the canvas and she groans in pain.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING KRISTEN?! TAG ME IN GODDAMNIT!" Emma shouts out in frustration seeing Kristen drop back down to the ground.

Natalie grabs Kristen by the ankle and flips her over. Kristen is on her stomach on the canvas and Natalie begins to twist her ankle. Kristen screams in pain and slams her fists on the ground. Kristen tries to kick Natalie with her other leg, but the blonde steps to the side and continues to twist her other ankle. Tears are forming in Kristen's eyes and she is being dragged towards Ariel.

Natalie tags Ariel back in and the petite busty raven-haired fighter climbs up on the turnbuckle. Kristen is still on her stomach and Ariel jumps up into the air and slams her elbow into Kristen's back. Kristen feels her eyes almost popping out of their sockets and she yells in pain. She starts to roll across the ring holding her sore back. Ariel menacingly walks towards Kristen, who is in a lot of pain. Emma is telling Kristen to roll towards her and finally tag her in, but Kristen doesn't want to hear it.

Ariel jumps down on top of Kristen's back and has her ass facing Kristen's head. She grabs the legs of her opponent and pulls them up into the air. Ariel slides her curvy ass on top of her opponent's head and forms a C-shape with Kristen's body. She hears her opponent scream in pain below her ass and for a moment release one of the legs. She removes the white bikini bottoms and leaves Kristen completely naked in the ring.

Ariel grabs the leg again and resumes her torture hold. She is leaning backwards putting more and more pressure on Kristen's spine. Her opponent is screaming and yelling below her and tears are running out of her eyes. Kristen is in so much pain right now and her pride is crumbling. She can't take the pain anymore and smashes her fists against the canvas.

"I GIVE! I SUBMIT! PLEASE MAKE THE PAIN STOP!" Kristen yells out in defeat.

Ariel releases Kristen's legs and the small breasted brunette drops down to the canvas. The referee grabs Kristen by the arms and drags the loser out of the ring. She isn't very careful with Kristen and just rolls her under the ropes and Kristen drops down to the hard surface. The referee signals Emma to get inside of the ring and the Harry Potter star is eager to finally get inside of the ring. She is glad that Kristen got what she deserves, but now she has to face two busty opponents on her own.

Emma immediately goes for Ariel, who has walked towards Natalie to celebrate their first victory in this match. Ariel hears Emma coming and just before Emma is able to slam into her back, she steps to the side, but leaves one of her legs extended. Emma trips over the extended leg and slams into the ropes where Natalie is waiting. The busty blonde outside of the ring grabs Emma's hair and keeps her in the ropes. Emma yells at the blonde tugging her hair and tries to slap Natalie in the face.

While Emma is distracted, Ariel moves behind her new opponent and wraps her arms around Emma's waist. Natalie releases Emma's hair and Ariel pulls her away from the ropes. Ariel lifts up Emma and she lets herself fall backwards slamming Emma's head against the canvas. Emma is feeling the effects and her vision is blurry for a few seconds.

Ariel rolls away from Emma and tags Natalie in. Natalie jumps through the ropes, while Emma is busy getting back on her feet. Natalie tackles Emma from behind and both of them go down to the ground. Emma slams with her face against the canvas, while Natalie lands on top of her. Emma is once again dazed and feels her white bikini top being ripped off her body.

Emma rolls over under Natalie and faces the blonde on top of her. She grabs Natalie by the hair and shakes her head from side to side, to try and get the busty blonde off her. Natalie grabs Emma's wrists and tries to free her hair from the claws of her opponent. Emma however isn't letting go and continues to try and get Natalie off her.

Natalie manages to pull one hand away from her hair and she pins Emma's arm down against the floor. The other hand is still pulling at her hair and Natalie feels her scalp burning from the pain. Natalie hisses at Emma and yanks Emma's other hand out of her hair, but it does cost her a few strands of hair. She slams Emma's arm down against the canvas and pins her opponent down against the floor.

"You fucking bitch! You ruined my hair!" Natalie screams out in anger.

Emma laughs at Natalie, but she is in trouble. She tries to squirm herself free, but Natalie has her arms firmly pinned against the floor and is sitting on her stomach. Natalie lowers her large breasts on top of Emma's face and begins to smother out her opponent. Emma's vision is completely obscured by Natalie's large boobs and she lets out muffled moans.

Natalie toys a bit with her opponent and after 30 seconds moves her boobs slightly up allowing Emma to catch a breath of air. Natalie looks down at the red face and wickedly smiles at Emma. She places her boobs back on Emma's face and once again hears the muffled moans coming from between her breasts.

Natalie feels Emma squirming below her, but she isn't squirming as hard as she did about a minute ago. Natalie lifts her boobs back up and laughs when she sees the look on Emma's face. The bitch is actually enjoying being smothered out by her breasts. Natalie moves Emma's arms above her head and crosses them. She uses her left hand to keep the arms pinned and with her right hand she removes her own black bikini top.

Natalie shakes her large naked boobs above Emma's face and she sees the flushed look on Emma's face. She lowers her breasts again and engulfs Emma's face with her nude boobs. Natalie loves the feeling of a weak girl's face between her strong breasts. She feels Emma breathing against her skin and it causes her boobs to start sweating.

Emma can feel Natalie's large breasts are starting to stick against her face and she is desperate to get fresh air, but she also enjoys being stuck between Natalie's boobs. She begins to lick the sweaty skin that she is trapped between and she can hear Natalie chuckle above her. The young busty blonde clearly noticed that she has begun worshipping her breasts.

Natalie presses her breasts down harder against Emma's face for just a few seconds, before lifting her sweaty tits up into the air. She pretty much has smothered all resistance out of Emma Watson, but this girl is too much fun to end right now. Natalie stands up and lifts Emma over her shoulders. She applies her torture rack and Emma screams in pain. Natalie walks towards Ariel and moves Emma's lower body out of the ring.

Ariel knows what Natalie wants and she begins to pull the strings of Emma's bikini bottom lose and removes the white bikini bottom. Ariel can see a wet spot on the white bikini bottoms and eagerly shows the crowd that Emma Watson enjoyed being smothered out by her blonde partner Natalie Alyn Lind. The crowd cheers loudly seeing the wet spot on Emma's bikini bottom.

Natalie slides her right hand away from Emma's leg and now moves it between her legs. She covers up the naked pussy and gently begins to rub the moist folds, while she walks around the ring with Emma on her shoulders. Her left hand is holding Emma's throat and she keeps the painful pressure up on Emma's spine bending the poor girl like a pretzel on her shoulders.

"What a naughty little slut. Even Kristen put up more of a fight than you and you are supposed to be some kind of champ?" Natalie taunts her opponent.

Natalie dips her index finger into Emma's pussy for just a few seconds giving it a couple of pumps. Natalie tosses Emma against the turnbuckle in their corner. Natalie tags in Ariel, but this time she doesn't leave the ring. Natalie looks over at the referee and she simply nods at Natalie. Ariel and Natalie grab Emma and pull her away from the turnbuckle.

They place Emma on the floor and pull her legs up into the air. Emma's lower body gets lifted off the ground and only her head neck and shoulders remain on the floor. They place her legs next to her head and Ariel removes her bikini bottom. She sits down on Emma's face and she rubs her ass against the nearly defeated girl's face. Ariel feels Emma's lips pressing against her asshole and she shudders from the feeling.

"I think she likes my ass." Ariel giggles out and rubs her asshole against Emma's wet soft lips.

Emma is fully trapped under Ariel and she is inhaling Ariel's dominant scent. Somehow Natalie has drained every bit of fighting spirit from her mind and the two busty fighters are using their body for their own fun. Natalie squats down in front of Ariel and gives Emma's ass a hard slap with both hands. Emma cries under Ariel's ass and the two girls above her laugh.

"What do you think Ariel? Should we go for a smother win or orgasm win?" Natalie giggles and teases Emma's butthole with her right index finger.

"Judging by her moans, she wants both." Ariel teases and wiggles her ass on Emma's face.

Ariel brings her right index finger to Emma's wet folds and runs it between them. Natalie is running her right index fingers around Emma's tight asshole in circles. The two busty fighters are just teasing Emma and it's driving Emma mad. She wants to feel the fingers inside of her, but the two above her are just teasing her holes for now.

Natalie pushes her index finger into Emma's tight little butthole and the trapped fighter moans into Ariel's big butt. Ariel inserts her index finger into Emma's wet pussy and the two busty warriors create the perfect rhythm. Whenever Natalie pushes her finger into Emma's ass, Ariel pulls her finger out a bit and when Ariel thrusts her fingers knuckle deep inside of Emma's pussy, Natalie retracts her finger a bit from Emma's asshole.

The two are fucking Emma and they notice how much Emma is just enjoying their fingers. They are teasing their prey, because both of them are only using one finger so far. Natalie is the first one to insert another finger after about two minutes of fucking Emma's asshole with just her index finger. Ariel inserts a second finger after a couple of seconds and the two busty girls begin to kiss each other.

Emma is moaning into Ariel's ass and her tongue starts to lick the delicious tasting butthole. The two busty fighters have completely robbed her of her fighting spirit and she just wants to cum for them now. With every breath she takes, she gets more and more intoxicated by the scent of Ariel's ass and it's making her extremely horny. Her pussy is already gushing juices down her abs and she is getting close to exploding fast.

Ariel and Natalie are passionately kissing one another and saliva is dripping down from their mouths and the saliva falls down on Emma's anus and pussy. They both insert a third finger at the same time and really begin to fuck Emma's holes now. They are drilling their fingers hard and fast into the slippery wet holes and it causes Emma to cry in pleasure under Ariel's ass.

Emma's eyes begin to roll into the back of her head and her body just can't handle the pleasure. Her ass and pussy are expertly being fucked by Ariel and Natalie. Their fingers are rapidly moving in and out of her holes and her orgasm is banging on the door hard. She keeps licking Ariel's asshole for a little while longer, but she has too stop. Her arousal is taking control over her body and she suddenly begins to scream into Ariel's ass. Her pussy explodes against Ariel and Natalie's chins, who are still making out above her.

Ariel and Natalie break their kiss when Emma's juices hit their chins. They move their heads out of the way and pull their fingers out of Emma. They look at the trapped girl and laugh when Emma's pussy just continues to squirt for them. Ariel feels Emma shudder in pleasure beneath her and she pushes her ass down harder against Emma's face. They just made Emma cum and now it's time to smother out Emma.

Emma feels Ariel's ass press down harder against her face and her body begins to panic. She starts to squirm now that her orgasm is over, but Ariel and Natalie are holding her in place. Her nostrils are blocked by Ariel's skin and her mouth is around Ariel's asshole. Emma isn't getting enough oxygen and her muscles are starting to feel weak. She struggles for a few more seconds, but the lack of oxygen is causing her systems to shutdown. Emma's body spasms a few more times, before she passes out under Ariel's ass.

Ariel remains seated on Emma's face for a few more seconds after they notice that Emma passed out. Ariel slowly lifts her ass off Emma's face and she looks behind her. Ariel laughs when she sees Emma's face and the two busty fighters lift Emma's unconscious body off the floor. They walk towards Kristen with Emma's body and toss her at Kristen.

Kristen didn't expect them to throw Emma at her and she catches Emma at the last moment. She gets knocked down by Emma and she lets out a loud cry. Kristen is on the ground with Emma laying on top of her unconscious. Ariel and Natalie laugh at the two losers and they walk towards the center of the ring. The referee announces that Ariel and Natalie are the winners of the fight and raises both their arms.

Ariel and Natalie hug each other and rub their large breasts together. The crowd is chanting their names and they kiss each other. Ariel and Natalie put on a little show for the audience and after about two minutes, they leave the ring together. The crowd is still chanting their names, as they head to the locker room for some post-match fun."

- Submission by Vitezislav


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