Selena Gomez

Age: 28
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 lbs
Bust: 34B
Hometown: Grand Prairie, Texas

Record: 0 - 1
Wins: N/A
Losses: Michelle Trachtenberg (54%) defeats Selena Gomez (46%)

Rivals: Victoria Justice (0 - 0)

Michelle Trachtenberg vs. Selena Gomez
"Selena was nervously pacing outside of her dressing room, trying to psych herself up and fight off the butterflies in her stomach. She was about to participate in her very first match in a new company. Of course, she had fought before -- she was well known in the celebrity catfighting circuit -- but this, this was the big leagues. She was so nervous she didn't even see the young woman approaching her. The woman reached out and touched Selena's shoulder, "Hey, Selena,"

Selena practically jumped 3 feet and whirled around, "OH SHIT! Don't scare me like that! Who are y... wait, are you Victoria?" Gomez exclaimed, holding a hand to her beating chest. "Shhh..." Victoria pressed her finger to her lips, readjusted her oversized hat and lowered her large sunglasses. Judging by her clothing, she was obviously trying to hide from the rest of the roster and the cameramen. She was still mentally scarred from her previous match and the horrific aftermath. "Tay wanted me to extend you an offer. I know you were close friends. She would like to formally invite you to join Swift Justice." Selena takes a step back and bites her bottom lip, "That's so sweet, but... ummmm... well, I've already kinda joined a stable. Mr. Drake signed me as soon as I joined the roster. He offered me a really lucrative contract and I..."

"So, what are you trying to say? Are you turning down the offer?" Victoria scoffs, cutting off Selena mid sentence. "What I'm saying is that I can't go back on the contract. Look, Victoria, I think it's so sweet that Tay wanted me to join but I must respectfully decline. And just because I'm in another stable doesn't mean we can't still be friends. I'd love for the three of us to..."

Victoria holds the palm of her hand in Selena's face, once again cutting her off, "Shut it, Gomez!" Selena looks shocked and tries, once again, to smooth things over, "What? I was just..." Victoria takes a step closer, getting nose-to-nose with Selena. "You've made your bed, Selena. Now you're gonna have to lay in it!" Turning on her heel, Victoria leaves. Before Selena can register what just happened, her entrance music plays...

During the match Selena, despite her being a newcomer, is putting up a valiant effort against her veteran opponent. Gomez is able to dodge several of Michelle's strikes and lands a volley of blows to her opponent's toned abdomen, sending Trachtenberg toppling through the ropes where she  awkwardly somersaults ass-first onto the thinly-padded floor. Selena uses the opportunity to take a breather. The young Latin-American beauty places her hands on her knees and sucks in long breaths, trying to slow down her heart rate. The referee, making sure Trachtenberg isn't injured, ducks through the ropes and checks on Michelle. While Selena catches her breath there is a sudden confused clamoring coming from the audience.

A thin figure wearing black shoes, pants and a black hoodie, with the hood up, hops over the barricade and enters the ring, sliding behind Selena. The dark figure whips Gomez around, punts her between the legs and spikes her face-first into the canvas with a cranium-rattling sit out facebuster! The figure darts from the ring and disappears back into the crowd. Michelle staggers back to her feet and slides in the ring, exchanging confused looks with the referee. Neither of them saw what happened, only the aftermath with Selena laying face-down on the canvas. With a shrug, Michelle rolls Selena over and peers down at the newbie. "I'm not sure what happened but, regardless, the outcome of this match would've been inevitable either way. Welcome to the CWF, sweetie!" Trachtenberg kneels over Gomez, facing the Latina's splayed feet, flashes a toothy grin and hikes her spandex booty shorts up high. With her prized buns on display, Michelle settles down ontop of Selena's uncomprehending features, enveloping the newcomer in the warm, suffocating embrace of her asscheeks. Only once Michelle was nice and comfy did the referee count the pinfall."

- Submission by jdo90


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